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Troubleshooting issues related to FileVault preventing system boot

Reviewed on 30 January 2025Published on 26 May 2021

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • An SSH key
  • A Mac mini

ProblemLink to this anchor

FileVault encryption is preventing your Mac mini from booting properly.

SymptomsLink to this anchor

  • The Mac mini does not complete the boot process.
  • A FileVault password prompt appears at startup.
  • Remote access via SSH or VNC is unavailable after a reboot.

Possible causesLink to this anchor

  • FileVault is enabled on the system disk.
  • The Mac mini rebooted and requires a FileVault password to proceed.
  • Remote access is blocked because the system is waiting for manual decryption.

SolutionLink to this anchor

Verify if FileVault is enabled

To check FileVault status:

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Go to Security & Privacy.
  3. Click the FileVault tab.
  4. If FileVault is enabled, it will indicate that disk encryption is active.

Disable FileVault to ensure boot continuity

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Click Security & Privacy > FileVault.
  3. Click Turn Off FileVault.
  4. Enter the administrator password if prompted.
  5. Allow the decryption process to complete.

Reboot and verify boot success

After turning off FileVault:

  • Reboot your Mac mini and confirm that it starts up without requesting the FileVault password.
  • Test remote access via SSH or VNC to ensure connectivity remains available.

If FileVault is enabled and your Mac mini reboots unexpectedly, you will be required to enter the FileVault password manually. Remote access will not be possible until the disk is unlocked, and you may risk data loss.

Preventing future issuesLink to this anchor

To prevent FileVault from causing boot issues in the future:

  • Avoid enabling FileVault on Scaleway Mac minis.
  • Use alternative encryption methods that do not require manual intervention on reboot.
  • Ensure proper backups before making changes to encryption settings.

Further troubleshootingLink to this anchor

If the issue persists, contact Scaleway’s support for further troubleshooting.

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