Running web analytics with Plausible on Ubuntu LinuxLearn more
Configuring Sentry error trackingLearn more
Installing and configuring Nextcloud
- Nextcloud
- Ubuntu-Bionic-Beaver
Setting up NetBox with a managed PostgreSQL database
- NetBox
- dcim
- ipam
- PostgreSQL
Configuring a Nagios Monitoring System on Scaleway
- Nagios
- monitoring
- Apache
Configuring IPv6 on virtual machines with ESXi
- esxi
- virtual-machine
- ubuntu
Installing and Configuring Graphite on Ubuntu 20.04
- Graphite
- Ubuntu
- -
- kubernetes
- -
- instances
- -
- elastic-metal
Deploying virtual machines with Proxmox on Scaleway Dedibox
- dedicated-server
- Proxmox
- iso-file
Configuring DVC with Object Storage
- amazon-s3
- dvc
- machine-learning
- data-science
Using and configuring Chef on Ubuntu
- Chef
- Ubuntu
- Xenial
- Focal-Fossa