
Messaging and Queuing NATS API


The Neural Autonomic Transport System, or NATS, is an open-source messaging system written in Go. It is part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and has more than 40 client language implementations. The application has been designed with performance, scalability, and ease of use in mind. If you're new to NATS, you can learn more about it on our page.


If NATS is not the Messaging and Queuing service you're looking for, check out our or services.


Refer to our to find definitions of all terminology related to Messaging and Queuing.


  1. Configure your environment variables


    This is an optional step that seeks to simplify your usage of the API.

    export SCW_SECRET_KEY="<API secret key>"
    export SCW_PROJECT_ID="<Scaleway Project ID>"
  2. Create a NATS account. A NATS account provides a scope for your NATS streams, messages and credentials.

    curl --silent -X POST \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $SCW_SECRET_KEY" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    "" \
    -d '{
    "name": "my-nats-account",
    "project_id": "'$SCW_PROJECT_ID'"
    }' | tee my-nats-account.json | jq
    • | tee my-nats-account.json saves the JSON object returned by the API to a file (used by next steps)
    • | jq displays the output nicely
  3. Create credentials. Credentials are necessary to authenticate a client to the NATS service. The nats_account_id field is automatically set to the value of id returned by the previous command:

    curl --silent -X POST \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $SCW_SECRET_KEY" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    "" \
    -d '{
    "name": "my-credentials",
    "nats_account_id": "'$(jq -r .id my-nats-account.json)'"
    }' | tee my-nats-credentials.json | jq
  4. Extract the credentials you created in the previous step:

    jq -r .credentials.content my-nats-credentials.json > nats.creds
  5. Publish your first message with the NATS CLI. Open two terminals for this purpose.

    • On terminal 1: subscribe to a subject

      nats sub -s $(jq -r .endpoint my-nats-account.json) --creds nats.creds my-subject
    • On terminal 2: publish a message to this subject:

      nats pub -s $(jq -r .endpoint my-nats-account.json) --creds nats.creds my-subject 'Hi there!'

    The "Hi there!" message should appear on the terminal 1. You can now abort the subscription by typing "CTRL+C" on terminal 1.

  6. Delete the NATS account

    curl --silent -X DELETE \
    -H "X-Auth-Token: $SCW_SECRET_KEY" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    "$(jq -r .id my-nats-account.json)" | jq
  • You have a
  • You have created an and that the API key has sufficient to perform the actions described on this page
  • You have
  • You have installed (choose your installation method between go install, .zip download or .deb installation)
  • You have installed

Technical limitations

The maximum storage capacity of a NATS account is 300 MB. Be aware that replicates are counted into this quota.

Technical information

Regional availability

Scaleway Messaging and Queuing is currently available in the following regions:

  • Paris, France (fr-par)
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands (nl-ams)

NATS credentials

Credentials give full access to the NATS account. Isolation can be handled by using several NATS accounts.

Going further

For more help using Scaleway Messaging and Queuing, check out the following resources:

  • Our
  • The #messaging-queuing channel on our
  • Our

You can also read the official NATS documentation:

  • (JetStream is enabled with quotas on our servers)
  • : official client library for many languages (, , etc.) and many other coding resources
  • .

NATS accounts

A NATS account allows you to interact with a NATS cluster


NATS credentials

NATS credentials give services and platforms access to the NATS cluster using any standard NATS client

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