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Understanding Organization quotas

Reviewed on 16 October 2024Published on 10 February 2021

Every Organization has quotas, which are limits on the number of Scaleway resources they can use. Below is a list of quotas available for each resource.

At Scaleway, quotas are applicable per Organization.


If you have already validated your payment method and your identity and want to increase your quota beyond the values shown on this page, contact our support team.

Identity and Access ManagementLink to this anchor

Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows you to share access to the management of your Scaleway resources, in a controlled and secure manner.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
API keys5050

Contact our support team if you want to increase your quotas for IAM.

ProjectsLink to this anchor

Project is Scaleway's resource management feature. Designed to help you organize your infrastructure and cloud services, the feature allows resources to be isolated and grouped into specific projects.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Maximum number of Projects in an Organization2525

Contact our support team if you want to increase your quotas for Projects.

SSH keysLink to this anchor

An SSH Key (Secure Shell Key) allows passwordless connection to an Instance.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
SSH keys allowed5050

SMTPLink to this anchor

By default, remote email ports (25, 465, 587) are blocked, and cannot be reached from our infrastructure to avoid spam. You need to open the mail ports to send emails. You can enable them from the security group configuration.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
SMTP allowedValidate your identityYes

InstancesLink to this anchor

An Instance is a computing unit, either virtual or physical, that provides resources to run your applications on. Currently Scaleway offers the following Instance types: General Purpose, Development, GPU, Stardust and Enterprise.


Quotas are applied manually for Enterprise (ENT) range Instances to Organizations that have their identity validated. Contact our support team.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
DEV1-XLTo use this product, you must validate your identity.6
GP1-STo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
GP1-MTo use this product, you must validate your identity.3
GP1-LTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
GP1-XLTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
PRO2 XSTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
PRO2 STo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
PRO2 MTo use this product, you must validate your identity.3
PRO2 LTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
ENT1 XSTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
ENT1 STo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
ENT1 MTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
ENT1 LTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
ENT1 XLTo use this product, you must validate your identity.To use this product, you must validate your identity.
ENT1 2XLTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team).
POP2-4C-16GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
POP2-8C-32GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-16C-64GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-32C-128GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
POP2-64C-256GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
POP2-HC-4C-8GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
POP2-HC-8C-16GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HC-16C-32GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HC-32C-64GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
POP2-HC-64C-128GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
POP2-HM-4C-32GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
POP2-HM-8C-64GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HM-16C-128GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HM-32C-256GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
POP2-HM-64C-512GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
POP2-HN-3To use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HN-5To use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HN-10To use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.

GPU InstancesLink to this anchor