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How to migrate existing volumes and snapshots to Scaleway's new Block Storage management

Reviewed on 14 January 2025Published on 07 August 2024

To enhance performance and reliability, Scaleway is transitioning the management of Block Storage volumes and snapshots from Compute to Storage.

To facilitate the transition to Scaleway’s new Block Storage management, two main approaches for migrating your volumes exist, each with its unique benefits and drawbacks:

  • Using the Instance API/CLI migration endpoint (Plan and Apply):

    • Advantage: Migration can occur without service interruption, as the volume remains attached to the running Instance and fully accessible.
    • Drawback: Only the volume’s representation is migrated to the SBS API; the data itself does not move. This means the migrated volume will not benefit from low latency or higher IOPS, as it retains the original b_ssd characteristics.
  • Using the snapshot export/import features:

    • Advantage: The migrated volume will fully support low latency, and it is possible to modify the IOPS up to 15k. All existing data of the old volume will be copied to the new Block Storage Low Latency volume.
    • Drawback: A snapshot must be manually created, exported, and imported. After importing, the snapshot must be converted into a volume, which must then be attached to the Instance. This process may require downtime.

Each method caters to different needs, balancing uninterrupted service against achieving maximum performance benefits. After migration, these resources will be managed under Storage instead of Compute.

Comparison of migration methodsLink to this anchor

Migration MethodAdvantageDrawback
Instance API/CLI migrationNo service interruption, volume remains accessibleData characteristics remain the same; no performance boost
Snapshot export/importFull support for low latency and customizable IOPSRequires downtime; manual snapshot handling

This guide offers step-by-step instructions to migrate your volumes and snapshots using either the Scaleway Command Line Interface (CLI) tool (recommended) or the Instances API. Alternatively, you can use the snapshot export/import feature to migrate your unified volumes and snapshots to Block Storage Low Latency volumes.


Volumes created and managed through Kubernetes do not fall within the scope of the migration described on this page. Find specific instructions for migrating Kubernetes volumes behind the Scaleway Block Storage API in the managing storage for Kubernetes documentation.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • An Instance using Block Storage volumes
  • The easiest way to migrate your Block Storage volumes and snapshots is by using the Scaleway Command Line Interface (CLI) tool.
  • If you encounter an error about quota limitations during the migration process, contact our support team for assistance.

To ensure continued access to managing your volumes, you must convert your unified volumes and snapshots into either local or Block volumes before the end-of-life date of June 2nd, 2025. After this date, unified volumes and snapshots will no longer be supported by any API.

Key migration deadlines:

  • April 30th, 2025:
    • Creation of new unified volumes via the Instance API will be disabled.
    • Unified volumes will no longer be supported by the Instance API.
  • June 2nd, 2025:
    • Unified volumes and snapshots can no longer be managed via any API. Existing unified resources must be converted by this date to avoid loss of manageability.

Migrating using the Instance API/CLI migration endpoint (Plan and Apply):Link to this anchor


During migration, unified snapshots will be converted into Block Storage snapshots and removed from Compute. If a unified snapshot is part of an image, it will be replaced by the corresponding Block Storage snapshot.

Migrating an existing Block Storage volume to Scaleway Block Storage managementLink to this anchor


This process applies only to Block SSD (b_ssd) volumes.


When you migrate a volume, the volume and any snapshots created from it will be migrated as well.

  1. Use the following command to list your Block Storage volumes and retrieve the ID of the volume you wish to migrate:
    $ scw instance volume list
    369feb53-165f-437d-875e-188725df462b available
  2. Plan the volume migration using the scw instance volume plan-migration <VOLUME_ID> command. This command returns the volume and its snapshots that will be migrated, along with a unique ValidationKey required to start the migration.
    $ scw instance volume plan-migration 369feb53-165f-437d-875e-188725df462b
    Volume.ID 369feb53-165f-437d-875e-188725df462b
    Volume.Name vol-peaceful-davinci
    Volume.Size 25 GB
    Volume.VolumeType b_ssd
    Volume.CreationDate 2 weeks ago
    Volume.ModificationDate 2 weeks ago
    Volume.Organization 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Volume.Project 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Volume.Server.ID 177c6ed5-e999-4cc7-b152-8ce56217579c
    Volume.Server.Name scw-naughty-robinson
    Volume.State available
    Volume.Zone fr-par-1
    Snapshots.0.ID a377afe5-a9a3-4706-b8c2-8d1c247a620f
    Snapshots.0.Name image-scw-quirky-torvalds_snap_0
    Snapshots.0.Organization 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Snapshots.0.Project 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Snapshots.0.VolumeType b_ssd
    Snapshots.0.Size 10 GB
    Snapshots.0.State available
    Snapshots.0.CreationDate 2 weeks ago
    Snapshots.0.ModificationDate 5 days ago
    Snapshots.0.Zone fr-par-1
    Snapshots.1.ID 384799c2-c4dd-40ab-bd65-ed95cd7b4d5c
    Snapshots.1.Name snap-eloquent-edison
    Snapshots.1.Organization 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Snapshots.1.Project 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Snapshots.1.VolumeType b_ssd
    Snapshots.1.Size 10 GB
    Snapshots.1.State available
    Snapshots.1.CreationDate 2 weeks ago
    Snapshots.1.ModificationDate 5 days ago
    Snapshots.1.Zone fr-par-1
    ValidationKey 30d129ca895c4cd59f4c429e12dab300
  3. Execute the migration using the scw instance volume apply-migration <VOLUME_ID> validation-key=<VALIDATION_KEY> zone=<VOLUME_ZONE> command.
    $ scw instance volume apply-migration 369feb53-165f-437d-875e-188725df462b validation-key=30d129ca895c4cd59f4c429e12dab300 zone=fr-par-1
    ✅ Success

The volume migration is complete. You can now manage the migrated volume from the Block Storage volumes section in the Scaleway console.

Migrating an existing Block Storage snapshot to Scaleway Block Storage managementLink to this anchor


This process applies to Block SSD (b_ssd) or Unified (unified) snapshots.


When you migrate a snapshot, the source volume of the snapshot and any snapshots created from this volume will also be migrated.

  1. Use the following command to list your snapshots and retrieve the ID of the snapshot you wish to migrate:
    $ scw instance snapshot list
    a377afe5-a9a3-4706-b8c2-8d1c247a620f snap-eloquent-edison
  2. Plan the snapshot migration using the scw instance snapshot plan-migration <SNAPSHOT_ID> command. This command returns the source volume of the snapshot and any related snapshots that will be migrated, along with a unique ValidationKey.
    $ scw instance snapshot plan-migration a377afe5-a9a3-4706-b8c2-8d1c247a620f
    Volume.ID 369feb53-165f-437d-875e-188725df462b
    Volume.Name vol-peaceful-davinci
    Volume.Size 25 GB
    Volume.VolumeType b_ssd
    Volume.CreationDate 2 weeks ago
    Volume.ModificationDate 2 weeks ago
    Volume.Organization 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Volume.Project 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Volume.Server.ID 177c6ed5-e999-4cc7-b152-8ce56217579c
    Volume.Server.Name scw-naughty-robinson
    Volume.State available
    Volume.Zone fr-par-1
    Snapshots.0.ID a377afe5-a9a3-4706-b8c2-8d1c247a620f
    Snapshots.0.Name image-scw-quirky-torvalds_snap_0
    Snapshots.0.Organization 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Snapshots.0.Project 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Snapshots.0.VolumeType b_ssd
    Snapshots.0.Size 10 GB
    Snapshots.0.State available
    Snapshots.0.CreationDate 2 weeks ago
    Snapshots.0.ModificationDate 5 days ago
    Snapshots.0.Zone fr-par-1
    Snapshots.1.ID 384799c2-c4dd-40ab-bd65-ed95cd7b4d5c
    Snapshots.1.Name snap-eloquent-edison
    Snapshots.1.Organization 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Snapshots.1.Project 4a2e00bf-5126-43ce-9b09-be943c619139
    Snapshots.1.VolumeType b_ssd
    Snapshots.1.Size 10 GB
    Snapshots.1.State available
    Snapshots.1.CreationDate 2 weeks ago
    Snapshots.1.ModificationDate 5 days ago
    Snapshots.1.Zone fr-par-1
    ValidationKey 30d129ca895c4cd59f4c429e12dab300
  3. Execute the migration using the scw instance snapshot apply-migration <SNAPSHOT_ID> validation-key=<VALIDATION_KEY> zone=<SNAPSHOT_ZONE> command.
    $ scw instance snapshot apply-migration a377afe5-a9a3-4706-b8c2-8d1c247a620f validation-key=30d129ca895c4cd59f4c429e12dab300 zone=fr-par-1
    ✅ Success.

The snapshot migration is complete. You can now manage the migrated snapshot from the Block Storage Snapshot section in the Scaleway console.

Migrating using the snapshot export/import featuresLink to this anchor

To convert your unified volumes and snapshots, you can use the snapshot export/import features as an alternative solution for transitioning a Block Storage legacy volume into a Block Storage Low Latency volume.


The process below requires manual intervention and does not preserve the original volume’s ID. While this approach allows you to transition to a Block Storage Low Latency volume, it is only a workaround.

Follow the procedure below:

  1. Create a snapshot of your Block Storage legacy volume.
  2. Export the snapshot.
  3. Import the snapshot into a new Low Latency volume.

Going furtherLink to this anchor

To learn more about managing your migrated Block Storage volumes and snapshots from the Scaleway console, refer to the Block Storage Quickstart Guide. Additionally, you can explore advanced features using the Scaleway Block Storage API.

If you encounter any issues during migration, contact Scaleway’s support team for assistance.

See also
How to use the snapshot import/export featureHow to migrate Instances
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