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Webhosting Classic - Quickstart

Reviewed on 19 August 2024Published on 11 August 2021

This documentation describes the usage of a previous web hosting offer proposed by
Refer to the Scaleway Web Hosting documentation for information about the current web hosting product.

Scaleway Webhosting Classic is our historical Webhosting service. It allows you to host your personal website and create personalized email addresses using your domain name.

  • Webhosting Classic reached its end of life and is no longer available for new customers. We recommend our Cloud Hosting offers for new subscriptions.
  • Existing customers of Webhosting Classic can continue to use and configure their hosting as usual.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Dedibox account logged into the console
  • A Webhosting Classic and a domain name

How to create an email accountLink to this anchor

  1. From your Dedibox console, click Hosting. A list of your webhosting accounts displays.

  2. Click Manage next to the hosting you want to configure. The webhosting overview page displays.

  3. Click Manage in the E-mail accounts section of the side menu. The email accounts overview page displays.

  4. Click Add account. A pop-up displays.

  5. Enter the login (the part before the @) for your email address, a password and its confirmation. Then click Add account.

    • The status of the account changes to Waiting for update. During this time, no other change to the email account is possible.
    • The new email account will be created within one hour maximum.

How to access your email using the webmail clientLink to this anchor

  1. The webmail client is available at Open it in a browser.

  2. Log into the webmail client by entering your complete email address and its password in the form.

    The webmail interface displays. You can now read and send your emails from your web browser.

How to change the password of my email accountLink to this anchor

  1. Click Hosting then click Manage.
  2. Scroll down to E-mail accounts and click Manage.
  3. Click the settings icon next to the email account you wish to update.
  4. Click Update password. A window displays.
  5. Type in your new password and confirm it, then click Update Password. Your new password is now registered.
  • The status of the account changes to Waiting for update. During this time, no other change to the email account is possible.
  • The new password will be set within one hour maximum.

How to create an FTP accountLink to this anchor

  1. Click Hosting then click Manage.
  2. Click the FTP accounts tab.
  3. A form displays. Fill it out to create your FTP account.
  4. Enter the following values:
    • Your username
    • Your password
    • The path which has to be an already existing directory on your FTP
  5. Validate your entries.
    • Your FTP account appears in the account list with the status Waiting to create. Your account will be activated in about one hour.
  6. When you connect to your FTP account, the following folders display:
  • awffull (contains your old access statistics, if they were activated)
  • www (should contain your website)
  • logs (contains your old access statistics, if they were activated)
  • UPLOAD_YOUR_SITE_IN_THE_REPERTORY_WWW (this directory only serves as a reminder)
  • Keep in mind that your website is located in the folder /www on the FTP server.
  • Upload all your website’s content into this folder.

How to create a MySQL databaseLink to this anchor

  1. From your Dedibox console, click Hosting. A list of your webhosting accounts displays.
  2. Click Manage next to the hosting you want to configure. The webhosting overview page displays.
  3. Click MySQL databases in the side menu. The list of your databases displays.
  4. Click Add database. A pop-up displays.
  5. Enter the database name, the database password, and its confirmation. Then click Create MySQL database.

    For a strong password, combine lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and special characters.

Your database is being created and displays in the list of your MySQL databases.


For MySQL databases, size limitations apply.

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