With Go, the method name must be capitalized.
Functions handlers reference
A handler is a routine/function/method that processes specific events. Upon invoking your function, the handler is executed and returns an output.
To learn how to package a function and its dependencies in a zip file, refer to the dedicated documentation.
Handler syntaxLink to this anchor
For Python functions, the handler must be written in the <folder>/<file>.<function_name>
If the
function is defined in a single file namedhandler.py
: the handler name will behandler.handle
. -
If the
function is defined in a file namedhandler.py
in a root folder: the handler will behandler.handle
. -
If the
function is defined in a file namedhandler.py
within a folder (for example,myFunction/handler.py
): the handler will bemyFunction/handler.handle
Python handler example
def handle(event, context):return {"body": {"message": 'Hello, world',},"statusCode": 200,}
For Node functions, the handler must be written in the <folder>/<file>.<function_name>
If the
function is defined in a single file namedhandler.js
: the handler name will behandler.handle
. -
If the
function is defined in a file namedhandler.js
in a root folder: the handler will behandler.handle
. -
If the
function is defined in a file namedhandler.js
within a folder (for example,myFunction/handler.js
): the handler will bemyFunction/handler.handle
Node handler example
export {handle};function handle (event, context, cb) {return {body: process.version,statusCode: 200,};};
For PHP functions, the handler must be written in the <folder>/<file>.<function_name>
If the
function is defined in a single file namedhandler.php
: the handler name will behandler.handle
. -
If the
function is defined in a file namedhandler.php
in a root folder: the handler will behandler.handle
. -
If the
function is defined in a file namedhandler.php
within a folder (for example,myFunction/handler.php
): the handler will bemyFunction/handler.handle
PHP handler example
<?phpfunction handle($event, $context) {return ["body" => phpversion(),"statusCode" => 200,];}
For Go, the handler must be written in the <folder>/<function_name>
If the
function is defined in ahandler.go
file in a root folder: the handler name will beHandle
. -
If the
function is defined in ahandler.go
file (for example,myFunction/handler.go
): the handler will bemyFunction/Handle
Go handler example
package myfuncimport ("encoding/json""net/http")// Handle - Handle eventfunc Handle(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {response := map[string]interface{}{"message": "We're all good",}responseBytes, err := json.Marshal(response)if err != nil {w.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError)return}// Set the header explicitly depending the returned dataw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")// Customise status code.w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)// Add content to the response_, _ = w.Write(responseBytes)}
For Rust, the handler must be written in the <folder>/<function_name>
If the
function is defined in ahandler.rs
file in a root folder: the handler name will behandle
. -
If the
function is defined in ahandler.rs
file (for example,myFunction/handler.rs
): the handler will bemyFunction/handle
With Rust, the method must be exported using the pub
Rust handler example
use axum::{body::Body, extract::Request, response::Response,};use http::StatusCode;pub async fn handle(_req: Request<Body>) -> Response<Body> {Response::builder().status(StatusCode::OK).header("Content-Type", "text/plain").body(Body::from("Hello world!")).unwrap()}