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How to manage a domain's DNS servers

Reviewed on 19 August 2024Published on 26 May 2021

This documentation applies to the legacy domain product previously offered by For managing your domain names with the latest features, we recommend using Scaleway’s Domains and DNS service.

A DNS server is a program that responds to requests for DNS zones configured by the administrator. DNS servers typically operate in pairs, each consisting of a primary and secondary server.

Scaleway Dedibox’s DNS servers are as follows:

  • Primary server: (
  • Secondary server: (

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Dedibox account logged into the console
  • A domain name

How to find the nameservers and the registrar of your domainLink to this anchor

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your domain name in the format yourdomain.ext (no www).
  3. In the results, look at the Registrar Info and Name Servers.

How to configure Dedibox DNS servers for your domainLink to this anchor

If you ordered your domain name with ScalewayLink to this anchor

If you ordered your domain name with Scaleway, your domain automatically configures to our DNS servers. No further action is required from you.

If your domain name is registered elsewhereLink to this anchor

You can still use your Dedibox web hosting, and ask your registrar to change your domain’s DNS zones.

For a WEB offer

For the website (depending on your choice):


For email:

"MX"-Record, Priority "10":
"MX"-Record, Priority "20":

For a CLOUD offer

Open a support ticket to ask for the required information.

How to change your DNS serversLink to this anchor


Changing DNS servers or zones must be done by experts.

We do not provide support for Scaleway webhostings and domain names if the DNS servers have been modified by the user.

  1. From the Dedibox console, click Domain. A list of your domains displays.
  2. Click Configure domain name next to the relevant domain.
  3. Click the Manage DNS servers tab.
  4. Modify the DNS servers to your requirements.

    The DNS zone must be configured on the new server before the change in the console. If you have an error such as “SOA not found”, we invite you to check this with your provider.

See also
How to validate WAPS informationHow to manage DNS zones
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