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How to use billing alerts

Reviewed on 19 August 2024Published on 14 February 2024

Billing alerts allow you to oversee your expenses efficiently. This feature allows you to create alerts that notify you when predefined budget thresholds are met. Your alerts can be seamlessly delivered through SMS, email, or API webhooks.

Your budget, denominated in euros, represents the limit for your expenses. Simultaneously, the threshold corresponds to a predetermined percentage of this budget. You have the autonomy to define both the budget and the threshold within the Scaleway console.

For example:

  • If you have defined a budget of €1,000, you may configure an email notification to be sent once you have consumed 50% of this limit. In this case, once your consumption reaches €500, you will receive an email informing you that the limit threshold has been reached.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization

How to create a billing alertLink to this anchor

  1. Click Billing in the Organization drop-down menu to go to the Billing Overview page.


    Alternatively, you can reach the billing page from your Organization Dashboard by clicking Go to Billing above the Current consumption area.

  2. Click the Consumption tab.

  3. Scroll down to Billing alerts.

  4. Click + Create a billing alert to configure your first alert. If you already have an alert, click + Add alert A pop-up displays.

  5. Enter your monthly budget.


    If your budget was already set previously, the first budget is the one that applies to all active alerts. You can click «Edit Icon» next to your budget to change it anytime. This automatically changes the budget for all recurring alerts.

  6. Enter the threshold that triggers the alert in percentage.

  7. Select how you want to receive your alerts. You can choose one or more of the following:

    • SMS notifications - indicate the phone number
    • E-mail notifications - indicate the email address
    • Webhook triggers - indicate the webhook URL
  8. Click Create billing alert to enable the alert.

    You may configure up to 10 billing alerts based on your monthly budget. To create a new billing alert, click + Add alert, and repeat the steps above.


Billing alerts only provide a rough estimate of what may be charged to your monthly invoice. Additional costs related to your usage before the alert is triggered may still appear on your invoice after the alert is generated. Only your monthly invoice is considered legally valid.

Webhook API CallLink to this anchor

When you configure a Webhook, an HTTP request is made to the configured URL. It transmits the following information as an HTTP POST request to the specified URL:

Header: "Content-Type": "application/json"
POST /my/configured/webhook
"invoice_start_date": <INVOICE_START_DATE>,

How to delete a billing alertLink to this anchor

  1. Click Billing in the Organization drop-down menu to go to the Billing Overview page.
  2. Click the Consumption tab.
  3. Scroll down to Billing alerts.
  4. Click «See more Icon» > Delete alert next to the alert. A pop-up appears.
  5. Click Delete alert to confirm.

How to delete the alert budgetLink to this anchor

  1. Click Billing in the Organization drop-down menu to go to the Billing Overview page.
  2. Click the Consumption tab.
  3. Scroll down to Billing alerts.
  4. Click «Delete Icon» next to the alert budget. A pop-up appears.
  5. Type DELETE, then click Confirm.

    When you delete a budget, all your alerts are deleted as well.

See also
How to redeem a voucherHow to download an invoice
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