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How to configure multi-IP virtual MAC addresses

Reviewed on 12 August 2024Published on 29 July 2021

You can use the same virtual MAC at several failover IPs pointing on the same dedicated server.

To do this, you need to have several failover IPs at the same server and at least one virtual MAC associated with one of these failover IPs.

As long as they share the same virtual MAC, your failover IPs must be moved in a group from one server to another.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Dedibox account logged into the console
  • Created a Dedibox dedicated server
  • At least 2 failover IPs
  • Generated a virtual MAC address
  1. Click Server > Server list to display a list of your physical machines.

  2. Select the server you want to configure and click Manage. The servers’ status page displays.

  3. Scroll down to the network configuration section and click + Info next to the failover IP you want to configure. The advanced configuration displays.

  4. Click Add virtual MAC. The virtual MAC configuration displays. Click Edit to display the virtual MAC address page.

  5. Click the settings icon (cogwheel) next to the failover IP address that you want to add to a multi-IP MAC address group. A pop-up menu displays. Click Use an existing MAC address.

  6. Select the MAC address to clone in the pop-up and click OK to validate.

    The failover IP now uses the same MAC address as the origin failover IP.


Failover IPs sharing the same MAC address have to point to the same dedicated server. In the failover IP configuration interface, they appear as a group and can not be moved individually.

How to delete a failover IP from a multi-IP virtual MAC groupLink to this anchor

You can remove a failover IP from a multi-IP virtual MAC group if you do not require it any longer.


When you decide to delete a virtual MAC address associated with an IP address that shares the same virtual MAC with other IPs, only the connection between that particular IP address and the MAC is removed. The other IP addresses remain unaffected and are not modified.

  1. Click Server > Server list to display a list of your physical machines.

  2. Select the server you want to configure and click Manage. The servers’ status page displays.

  3. Scroll down to the network configuration section and click + Info next to the failover IP you want to configure. The advanced configuration displays.

  4. Click Edit. The virtual MAC configuration displays.

  5. Click the settings icon (cogwheel) next to the IP address you want to configure. Then click Delete virtual MAC address.

    The failover IP will be removed from the group. All other IPs within the group remain configured.

See also
How to create a vitual MAC addressHow to configure the network of a virtual machine
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