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How to install a server

Reviewed on 19 August 2024Published on 11 June 2021

After your Scaleway Dedibox server has been delivered, you can proceed with the installation process by following these steps.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Dedibox account logged into the console
  • A Dedibox server
  1. In the Dedibox console, navigate to Server > Server list in the top menu. A list of your servers will be displayed.

  2. Click Manage next to the server you want to install. The server installation wizard will appear.

  3. Select the operating system type to be installed.


    For detailed information about OS types, refer to the dedicated servers concepts page.


    If you prefer to complete the installation using KVM Over IP, click Install over KVM on this page.

  4. Choose the specific operating system and version you wish to install, then click Install.

  5. Customize the partitioning configuration:

    • Select the File system, RAID level, and specify the mount point and partition size in MB.
    • If the server has two disks, you can choose between RAID 0, RAID 1, or No RAID. For servers with more than two disks, RAID 5 is also available. Configure the RAID and partitioning according to your needs. Ensure identical partitioning across all disks in a software RAID setup.

    Partitioning restrictions:

    • A maximum of 4 primary partitions per disk is allowed.
    • Do not create a /var partition, as it may cause installation failure.
    • The / partition must be at least 2048 MB.

    After configuring the partitions, click Validate to confirm and proceed.

  6. Set a user and administrator password, and select SSH keys for server access. Once configured, click Next Step.

  7. Review the configuration summary. If everything is correct, confirm by clicking Delete all my disks and install the system. This will initiate the automatic server installation.

    • This will delete all existing data on the disks. Ensure you have backups before proceeding to avoid data loss.
    • If installing CentOS with custom partitioning, reserve approximately 5 GB of unallocated disk space to prevent installation errors.
  8. Configure the system parameters, such as server name, username, password, SSH key, monitoring alerts, and updates.


    To connect via SSH, we recommend creating and uploading your SSH key at this stage for transfer during installation.

  9. Verify all details on the installation summary tab. Once installation is complete, your server will automatically reboot from its hard disk.

  • Installation time may vary depending on the OS; expect it to take several minutes.
  • Some operating systems may require additional reboots to complete the setup.
  • We recommend waiting 45 to 60 minutes before attempting to connect to your server.
See also
How to order a serverHow to connect to a server
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