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How to access the website statistics

Reviewed on 19 August 2024Published on 05 August 2021

This documentation describes the usage of a previous web hosting offer proposed by
Refer to the Scaleway Web Hosting documentation for information about the current web hosting product.

With each of our Webhosting Classic offers, we provide the possibility to visualize the statistics of your website (number of visits, number of unique visitors, bandwidth used, etc…).

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Dedibox account logged into the console
  • Created a Webhosting Classic plan

How to create or reset a password for the statisticsLink to this anchor

  1. From your Dedibox console, click Hosting. A list of your webhosting accounts displays.
  2. Click Manage next to the hosting you want to configure. The webhosting overview page displays.
  3. Click Statistics and logs in the side menu. The statistics and logs overview page displays.
  4. Go to the Statistics section and click Define password. If you want to reset your password, click Reset password.
  5. Enter a password and its confirmation, then click Edit account.

    For a strong password, combine lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and special characters.

How to access the statisticsLink to this anchor

  1. Open the following URL in your web browser: (replace with your domain name) to access the statistics.

  2. Enter the password set in the previous step. Then press Enter. The statistics dashboard displays.

    The dashboard contains the following information:

    • A: Choice of the analysis period. The analysis period is a month of your choice (by default the current month). It allows you to display the statistics of a specific month.
    • B: The current analysis period. This will indicate which period the current statistics analysis refers to.
    • C: Details of the visits/visitors. You can see:
      • Number of visits,
      • Number of different visitors,
      • Number of page views,
      • Number of hits,
      • Amount of bandwidth consumed.
    • D: Monthly history. This information shows you a summary of the activity of your site over all the months of the current year (see C), with the possibility of having the cumulative total of these statistics.

    This information is only part of the data provided by our statistics page. Below is a complete list of the other information available:

    • Detailed statistics on the days of the selected analysis period,
    • Detailed statistics on the days of the week of the selected analysis period,
    • Detailed statistics on the hours of the selected analysis period,
    • Most frequent visitors,
    • Most frequent robots (referencing, etc.,),
    • Duration of the visits,
    • Most used file types,
    • Most downloaded files,
    • Most viewed pages,
    • Most used operating systems to consult your site,
    • Most used browsers to consult your site,
    • Origin of the users,
    • Keywords/key phrases used to access the site,
    • Most returned HTTP codes.
See also
How to access the logcenterHow to enable HTTPS
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