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Secure connections using SSL/TLS

Reviewed on 09 December 2024Published on 03 June 2024

This documentation will guide you through SSL/TLS configuration in your PostgreSQL-compatible client to ensure your traffic with Scaleway’s Serverless SQL Databases is encrypted.

Configuration examples for languages, frameworks and tools:

  • Python/psycopg2
  • Python/Django
  • Python/asyncpg
  • Node.js/node-postgres
  • Node.js/Postgres.js
  • Node.js/Prisma
  • Go/pq
  • Go/pgx
  • PHP/pgsql
  • Java/JDBC
  • C#/.NET/Npgsql
  • Rust/rust-postgres
  • psql

Generic configuration settingsLink to this anchor

Starting from PostgreSQL 16, you can set up SSL/TLS to rely on the default certification authority certificates trusted by your operating system. To do so, use the additional configuration parameters sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=system.

For instance, your full connection string should be:


Support for sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=system options can vary among SQL drivers. Refer to the documentation below or to your official SQL driver’s documentation for workarounds if these options are not supported.

With this configuration, on your SQL client side, you will not need to download, update or renew certificates separately for PostgreSQL.

Keeping your operating system up to date is enough to ensure your traffic is encrypted, and that your client sends messages to the right server (protecting you against Eavesdropping and Man In The Middle Attacks).

Alternatively, you can also download the trusted root Certificate used to sign our domain: Let’s Encrypt ISRG Root X1 (pem format), and use sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=~/.postgresql/isrgx1root.pem.

Your full connection string should be the output of this command:

echo "postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{databasename}?sslmode=verify-ca&sslrootcert=$(echo ~/.postgresql/isrgx1root.pem)"

Refer to the official PostgreSQL documentation for more information.

Examples by SQL DriversLink to this anchor

Python/psycopg2Link to this anchor

As psycopg2 uses libpq, the same official PostgreSQL parameter can be used.

Edit your connection parameters to add sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=system as shown below:

conn = psycopg2.connect(host={host},port={port},database={databasename},user={username},password={password},sslmode="verify-full",sslrootcert="system")

Python/DjangoLink to this anchor

Django supports the same parameters as the Python driver you are using. For instance, with psycopg2, you can add the following options to your file in your database connection settings:


Your complete settings should look like the following:

'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
'NAME': {databasename},
'USER': {username}, #IAM principal ID of the user or application you are connecting with
'PASSWORD': {password}, #IAM Secret Key of the user or application you are connecting with
'HOST': {host}, #Host formated as {database-id}.pg.sdb.{region}
'PORT': {port}, #Default port for PostgreSQL is supported: 5432

Python/asyncpgLink to this anchor

asyncpg supports sslmode=verify-full, but does not support the sslrootcert=system option yet.

To make sure SSL/TLS is enforced, and the server certificate is valid, edit your connection parameters to set the sslmode=verify-full parameter, download the Let’s Encrypt ISRG Root X1 (pem format), rename it root.crt, and store it in ~/.postgresql/root.crt:

conn = await asyncpg.connect("postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{databasename}?sslmode=verify-full")

Alternatively, you can add the sslrootcert=full/path/to/certificate/isrgrootx1.pem property to specify the full path to the certificate without renaming it root.crt:

conn = await asyncpg.connect("postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{databasename}?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=full/path/to/certificate/isrgrootx1.pem")

Node.js/node-postgresLink to this anchor

node-postgres does not support sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=system, but both the default connection string option sslmode=require and the driver-specific parameter ssl:true option check for certificate validity. You can use either one of them.

To ensure SSL/TLS is enforced and your server certificate is valid, add ssl:true to your connection parameters:

const client = new Client({
host: {host}, //Host formated as {database-id}.pg.sdb.{region}
port: {port}, //Default port for PostgreSQL is supported: 5432
database: {databasename},
user: {username}, //IAM principal ID of the user or application you are connecting with
password: {password}, //IAM Secret Key of the user or application you are connecting with

Node.js/Postgres.jsLink to this anchor

Postgres.js does not support sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=system, but either the default connection string option sslmode=require or the driver-specific parameter ssl:true option checks for certificate validity.

To ensure SSL/TLS is enforced and the server certificate is valid, edit your connection parameters to add ssl:true parameters:

const sql = postgres({
host: {host}, //Host formated as {database-id}.pg.sdb.{region}
port: {port}, //Default port for PostgreSQL is supported: 5432
database: {databasename},
user: {username}, //IAM principal ID of the user or application you are connecting with
password: {password}, //IAM Secret Key of the user or application you are connecting with

Node.js/PrismaLink to this anchor

You can use several drivers with Prisma, refer to their official documentation for more information on how to configure SSL/TLS.

By default, Prisma uses its built-in PostgreSQL driver which does not support sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=system, but can perform certificate validity checks by using the sslmode=require and sslaccept=strict parameters.

To ensure SSL/TLS is enforced and the server certificate is valid, add these two parameters to your connection string in your .env file:


Go/pqLink to this anchor

pq supports the sslmode=verify-full option, but not sslrootcert=system. However, when using sslmode=verify-full, checks will also be made against the default certification authority certificates trusted by your operating system, as if sslrootcert=system parameter was set.

To ensure SSL/TLS is enforced and the server certificate is valid, add sslmode=verify-full to your connection parameters:

connString := "postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{databasename}?sslmode=verify-full"
conn, err := pgx.Connect(context.Background(), connString)

Go/pgxLink to this anchor

pgx supports the sslmode=verify-full option, but not sslrootcert=system. However, when using sslmode=verify-full, checks will also be made against default certification authority certificates trusted by your operating system, as if the sslrootcert=system parameter was set.

To ensure SSL/TLS is enforced and the server certificate is valid, add sslmode=verify-full to your connection parameters:

connString := "postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{databasename}?sslmode=verify-full"
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", connString)

PHP/pgsqlLink to this anchor

As the default PostgreSQL driver bundled with PHP, pgsql uses libpq. The same official PostgreSQL parameter can therefore be used.

To ensure SSL/TLS is enforced and the server certificate is valid, add sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=system to your connection parameters:

$dbconn = pg_connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={databasename} user={username} password={password} sslmode=verify-full sslrootcert=system")

Java/JDBCLink to this anchor

JDBC driver does not support the sslrootcert=system option, but supports the ssl=true option which, when enabled, performs certificate checks by default against the certificate named root.crt stored in ~/.postgresql.

To ensure SSL/TLS is enforced and your server certificate is valid, edit your connection parameters to set ssl=true, download the Let’s Encrypt ISRG Root X1 (pem format), rename it root.crt, and store it in ~/.postgresql/root.crt:

String url = "jdbc:postgresql://{host}:{port}/{databasename}";
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("user", {username});
props.setProperty("password", {password});
props.setProperty("ssl", "true");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,props);

Alternatively, you can add the property "sslrootcert=full/path/to/certificate/isrgrootx1.pem" to specify the full path to the certificate without renaming it root.crt:

String url = "jdbc:postgresql://{host}:{port}/{databasename}";
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("user", {username});
props.setProperty("password", {password});
props.setProperty("ssl", "true");
props.setProperty("sslrootcert", "full/path/to/certificate/isrgrootx1.pem");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,props);

C#/.NET/NpgsqlLink to this anchor

Npgsql supports the sslmode=verify-full option, but not sslrootcert=system. However, when using sslmode=verify-full, checks will also be made against default certification authority certificates trusted by your operating system, as if the sslrootcert=system parameter was set.

To ensure SSL/TLS is enforced and the server certificate is valid, add sslmode=verify-full to your connection parameters:

var connString = "Host={host};Username={username};Password={password};Database={databasename};Port={port};SSL Mode=VerifyFull;";
var dataSourceBuilder = new NpgsqlDataSourceBuilder(connString);

Rust/rust-postgresLink to this anchor

rust-postgresql does not support the sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=system options. However, when using sslmode=require, you can pass a TlsConnector object to perform the certificate verification.

Also, when using the standard rust-openssl library, checks will also be made against default certification authority certificates trusted by your operating system as if the sslrootcert=system parameter was set.

To ensure SSL/TLS is enforced and the server certificate is valid, add sslmode=require to your connection parameters:

use postgres::{Client};
use openssl::ssl::{SslConnector, SslMethod};
use postgres_openssl::{MakeTlsConnector};
fn main() {
let builder = SslConnector::builder(SslMethod::tls()).expect("unable to create sslconnector builder");
let connector = MakeTlsConnector::new(;
let mut client = Client::connect("postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{databasename}?sslmode=require", connector).expect("Connection failed");

Alternatively, you can download the Let’s Encrypt ISRG Root X1 (pem format), store it in ~/.postgresql/isrgrootx1.pem, and directly specify the certificate:

use postgres::{Client};
use openssl::ssl::{SslConnector, SslMethod};
use postgres_openssl::{MakeTlsConnector};
fn main() {
let mut builder = SslConnector::builder(SslMethod::tls()).expect("unable to create sslconnector builder");
builder.set_ca_file("full/path/to/certificate/isrgrootx1.pem").expect("unable to locate certificate file");
let connector = MakeTlsConnector::new(;
let mut client = Client::connect("postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{databasename}?sslmode=require", connector).expect("Connection failed");

Examples for SQL Client toolsLink to this anchor

psqlLink to this anchor

As the official client bundled with PostgreSQL, psql supports the default PostgreSQL connections parameters.

Edit your connection parameters to add sslmode=verify-full and sslrootcert=system parameters:

psql "postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{databasename}?sslmode=verify-full&sslrootcert=system"
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