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Web Hosting - Quickstart

Reviewed on 24 October 2024Published on 26 May 2021

Web Hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible on the internet. It involves storing website files and data on a server, which is connected to the internet and enables users to access the website through a web browser.

Scaleway provides several Web Hosting plans for individuals, professionals, and everyone in between.

All Scaleway Web Hosting plans use a user-friendly Web Hosting control panel tool. This interface provides users with intuitive graphical navigation and quick access icons for configuring and monitoring their hosting solutions. With features like website publishing, database launching, email creation, and file management, users can efficiently manage their hosting tasks through this interface, ensuring elevated performance. Scaleway provides Web Hosting plans with cPanel or Plesk control panels. Unsure which control panel to choose? Check out our documentation on Understanding the differences between cPanel and Plesk.

How to order a Web Hosting planLink to this anchor

  1. Click Web Hosting in the Managed Services section of the side menu. This takes you to the Web Hosting dashboard.
    If you already have Web Hosting plans, they will be listed. Click the + Order Web Hosting button to add more plans.

  2. Click Order Web Hosting to start the creation process.

  3. Select a region and a control panel for your Web Hosting plan.

    • You can choose between:
      • cPanel: A web-based control panel for managing web hosting accounts, emails, and websites through a graphical interface.
      • Plesk: A user-friendly web hosting control panel for managing websites, emails, and hosting accounts.

    Unsure which control panel to choose? Check out our documentation on Understanding the differences between cPanel and Plesk.

  4. Follow these steps to configure your Web Hosting:

    • Enter your domain name. Remember, it must be pre-registered and you must be the registrant. Need to register one? Read our documentation how to register a domain name.
    • Choose a hosting plan based on your needs.
    • Decide on activating the backup option:
      • Enable for daily automated backups of your website, emails, and databases. Retains backups for three days, with a full weekly backup retained for two months.
    • Choose whether to order a dedicated IP for your Web Hosting, which can improve email reputation and SSL setup.
    • Enter your email address. We’ll send your control panel password there.
  5. Click Create Web Hosting to finish. Your Web Hosting plan creation starts, and you will be redirected to the Overview tab. Here, you can find information about your Web Hosting account, like the link to the control panel and your webmail interface.

How to access the Web Hosting control panel from the Scaleway consoleLink to this anchor


You can manage your email accounts, databases, and FTP accounts directly from the Scaleway console.

  1. Click Web Hosting in the Managed Services section of the console side menu. The Web Hosting overview page displays.
  2. Click «More infos Icon» or the domain name of the Web Hosting plan you want to configure.
    The Hosting information page displays.
  3. Click Control panel dashboard in the Hosting information section of the page. The Web Hosting control panel opens in a in a new tab.

    Alternatively, you can reach the control panel via the Dashboard link next to Link to control panel in the Hosting information section.

  4. Enter your cPanel credentials and click Log in to log into the Web Hosting control panel.

How to change the language of the Web Hosting control panelLink to this anchor

Scaleway’s Web Hosting control panels are a multi-language solution and you can switch the language of the Interface towards your preferences.

  1. Open the Web Hosting control panel. The login screen displays.
  2. Click ... on the right below the login form to open a list of all available languages.
  3. Click the language of your choice from the pop-up. A notification displays.
  4. Log in using your credentials to use the control panel in your preferred language.

First connection to the Web Hosting control panelLink to this anchor

  1. Open the cPanel control panel. The login screen displays.
  2. Enter your user and the temporary password from the mail you have received after account creation.
  3. Enter your temporary password as well as your new password and it’s confirmation. A secret password with a score of 65/100 or more is required for the new password.

    You can use the Password generator to generate a safe random password.

  4. Click Change your password now to confirm the password update. You are being redirected to the login screen and you can login using your user and the newly set password.

How to create a mailboxLink to this anchor

  1. Click Web Hosting in the Managed Services section of the console side menu. The Web Hosting overview page displays.
  2. Click «More infos Icon» or the domain name of the Web Hosting service you want to configure. The Hosting information page displays.
  3. Click the Emails tab to display information related to your email accounts.
  4. Click Create email account to create a new one. A pop-up displays.
  5. Select the domain you want to associate the email account with from the drop-down list, then enter a username and password.

    The username is the part of your email address in front of the @.

  6. Click Create email account to confirm the action and create the account.

To access webmail for the email account, click Access webmail next to the email account.

How to access the webmail interfaceLink to this anchor

You can access the webmail platform for your Web Hosting directly from your Scaleway console.

  1. Click Web Hosting in the Managed Services section of the console side menu. The Web Hosting overview page displays.
  2. Click «More infos Icon» or the domain name of the Web Hosting service you want to configure. The Hosting information page displays.
  3. Click the Emails tab to display information related to your email accounts.
  4. Click Access webmail next to the email address you want to access. The webmail interface displays in a new browser tab.

How to manage the files of your Web HostingLink to this anchor

  1. Open the Web Hosting control panel and log in using your panel user and password. The Web Hosting panel dashboard displays.
  2. Click File Manager in the Files section of the dashboard.
    The file manager displays.
  3. Navigate to the public_html directory to upload, modify, or download your Web Hosting data.
    • For more information on how to use the file manager, refer to the official File Manager documentation
    • You can also access your Web Hosting data via FTP by creating FTP accounts

How to configure DNS for Web HostingLink to this anchor

To link your domain name with your Web Hosting plan you have to update the nameservers in the DNS configuration at your registrar. Nameservers are servers used to translate domain names into IP addresses. When you enter a URL in a browser, they show you where the website is located, instead of memorizing entire numerical sequences in the form of IP addresses.


If you are migrating from another web hosting provider to Scaleway Web Hosting, you might need to update your nameserver information with the information available in your console.

  1. Click Web Hosting in the Managed Services section of the console side menu. The Web Hosting overview page displays.
  2. Click «More infos Icon» or the domain name of the Web Hosting you want to configure. The Hosting information page displays.
  3. Click the DNS Verification tab. The DNS configuration page displays.
  4. Update your DNS servers. Two options are available:
    • Use Scaleway’s DNS servers. We provide DNS servers for your Web Hosting plan that contain all required DNS configuration. To use these nameservers, update the nameservers associated with your domain name with the servers provided by Scaleway.
    • Manual DNS configuration (advanced). If you prefer to continue using your current DNS servers, update the DNS zone at your registrar with all DNS records provided.

    It can take 24 to 48 hours until your DNS updates are propagated on the internet.

  5. Click Verify domain once you have updated your DNS configuration. The DNS verification process will be launched. Once the process has been completed successfully, you will notice a green dot next to DNS verification. Your DNS is now configured and linked with your Web Hosting plan.
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