terraform {
required_providers {
scaleway = {
source = "scaleway/scaleway"
random = {
source = "hashicorp/random"
required_version = ">= 0.13"
type = string
description = "Container Registry endpoint where your application container is stored"
type = string
description = "Project ID where your resources will be created"
variable "ADMIN_EMAIL" {
type = string
description = "Strapi administrator email. Will be created at each container start."
variable "ADMIN_PASSWORD" {
type = string
description = "Strapi administrator password. Will be updated at each container start."
locals {
secrets = ["app_keys","api_token_salt","admin_jwt_secret","transfer_token_salt","jwt_secret"]
resource "random_bytes" "generated_secrets" {
for_each = toset(local.secrets)
length = 16
resource scaleway_container_namespace main {
name = "tutorial-strapi-blog-tf"
description = "Namespace created for full serverless Strapi blog deployment"
resource scaleway_container main {
name = "tutorial-strapi-blog-tf"
description = "Container for Strapi blog"
namespace_id = scaleway_container_namespace.main.id
registry_image = "${var.REGISTRY_ENDPOINT}/my-strapi-blog:latest"
port = 1337
cpu_limit = 1120
memory_limit = 4096
min_scale = 0
max_scale = 5
timeout = 600
max_concurrency = 80
privacy = "public"
protocol = "http1"
deploy = true
environment_variables = {
"DATABASE_USERNAME" = scaleway_iam_application.app.id,
"DATABASE_HOST" = trimsuffix(trimprefix(regex(":\\/\\/.*:",scaleway_sdb_sql_database.database.endpoint), "://"),":")
"DATABASE_NAME" = scaleway_sdb_sql_database.database.name,
"DATABASE_PORT" = trimprefix(regex(":[0-9]{1,5}",scaleway_sdb_sql_database.database.endpoint), ":"),
"DATABASE_SSL" = "true",
secret_environment_variables = {
"DATABASE_PASSWORD" = scaleway_iam_api_key.api_key.secret_key,
"APP_KEYS" = random_bytes.generated_secrets["app_keys"].base64,
"API_TOKEN_SALT" = random_bytes.generated_secrets["api_token_salt"].base64,
"ADMIN_JWT_SECRET" = random_bytes.generated_secrets["admin_jwt_secret"].base64,
"TRANSFER_TOKEN_SALT" = random_bytes.generated_secrets["transfer_token_salt"].base64,
"JWT_SECRET" = random_bytes.generated_secrets["jwt_secret"].base64
resource scaleway_iam_application "app" {
name = "tutorial-strapi-blog-tf"
resource scaleway_iam_policy "db_access" {
name = "tutorial-strapi-policy-tf"
description = "Gives tutorial Strapi blog access to Serverless SQL Database"
application_id = scaleway_iam_application.app.id
rule {
project_ids = ["${var.DEFAULT_PROJECT_ID}"]
permission_set_names = ["ServerlessSQLDatabaseReadWrite"]
resource scaleway_iam_api_key "api_key" {
application_id = scaleway_iam_application.app.id
resource scaleway_sdb_sql_database "database" {
name = "tutorial-strapi-tf"
min_cpu = 0
max_cpu = 8
output "database_connection_string" {
// Output as an example, you can give this string to your application
value = format("postgres://%s:%s@%s",
trimprefix(scaleway_sdb_sql_database.database.endpoint, "postgres://"),
sensitive = true
output "container_url" {
// Output as an example, you can give this string to your application
value = scaleway_container.main.domain_name
sensitive = true