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Ansible Playbook for Apache installation step-by-step guide

Reviewed on 17 July 2024Published on 02 August 2018
  • Ansible
  • Apache
  • Playbook

Apache is one of the most used open-source web servers globally. This tutorial explains how to deploy and configure Apache on Scaleway Instances with the power of Ansible automation. Before diving in, ensure you meet the prerequisites:

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • Familiarity with Ansible for seamless execution

Configuring Ansible for Apache

Begin by setting up Ansible to communicate with your Scaleway Instances:

  1. Create a dedicated directory:
    mkdir ansible-apache
  2. Navigate to the directory:
    cd ~/ansible-apache/
  3. Create an ansible.cfg file:
    nano ansible.cfg
  4. Populate it with the host file configuration:
    hostfile = hosts
  5. Create and edit a hosts file:
    nano hosts
  6. Define your host information:
    secondary_server_ip ansible_ssh_user=username

Creating a playbook

Utilize Ansible playbooks for configuration and deployment:

  1. Craft a playbook named apache.yml:
    nano apache.yml
  2. Insert the following content:
    - hosts: apache
    - name: run echo command
    command: /bin/echo hello world
  3. Execute the playbook:
    ansible-playbook apache.yml

Installing Apache

Install Apache on your Scaleway Instance:

  1. Update apache.yml with the apt module:
    nano apache.yml
  2. Replace the existing content with:
    - hosts: apache
    become: yes
    - name: install apache2
    name: apache2
    update_cache: yes
    state: latest
  3. Run the playbook:
    ansible-playbook apache.yml --ask-become-pass

Configuring Apache modules

Enable Apache modules as needed:

  1. Open apache.yml:
    nano apache.yml
  2. Include module activation and restart handler:
    - hosts: apache
    become: yes
    - name: install apache2
    name: apache2
    update_cache: yes
    state: latest
    - name: enable mod_rewrite
    name: rewrite
    state: present
    - restart apache2
    - name: restart apache2
    name: apache2
    state: restarted
  3. Execute the playbook:
    ansible-playbook apache.yml --ask-become-pass

Configuring Apache options

Customize Apache configuration as per your requirements:

  1. Open apache.yml for editing:
    nano apache.yml
  2. Adjust port settings:
    - hosts: apache
    become: yes
    - name: install apache2
    name: apache2
    update_cache: yes
    state: latest
    - name: enable mod_rewrite
    name: rewrite
    state: present
    - restart apache2
    - name: apache2 listen on port 8081
    dest: /etc/apache2/ports.conf
    regexp: "^Listen 80"
    line: "Listen 8081"
    - restart apache2
    - name: apache2 virtualhost on port 8081
    dest: /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
    regexp: "^<VirtualHost \*:80>"
    line: "<VirtualHost *:8081>"
    - restart apache2
    - name: restart apache2
    name: apache2
    state: restarted
  3. Run the playbook:
    ansible-playbook apache.yml --ask-become-pass

Once Ansible is fully set up, you can visit your web browser on port 8081 (rather than port 80). In most web browsers, this can be easily achieved by adding :port onto the end of the URL: http://public_ip_address:8081/.

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