Running web analytics with Plausible on Ubuntu LinuxLearn more
Configuring Sentry error trackingLearn more
Deploying a self-hosted Penpot Instance using the Docker InstantApp
- penpot
- docker
- instantapp
Deploying OpenProject with a Database for PostgreSQL
- OpenProject
- database
- PostgreSQL
- ubuntu
Deploying NextCloud with Scaleway Object Storage
- NextCloud
- mariadb
- apache
Deploying Meilisearch on a Scaleway Instance
- meilisearch
- search
- full-text
- instance
Fast deployment of documentation on Serverless Containers with mdBook
- docker
- container
- deploy
- serverless
- mdbook
- documentation
Deploying Laravel 10.x on Serverless Containers
- laravel
- php
- docker
- nginx
- fpm
Creating a Kubernetes cluster on Scaleway with K3s and Cilium
- k3s
- cilium
- ipv6
- Ingress
Deploying Cloud Instances with Packer and Terraform
- Packer
- Terraform