Running web analytics with Plausible on Ubuntu LinuxLearn more
Configuring Sentry error trackingLearn more
Creating a documentation website using Object Storage bucket website and Material for MkDocs
- documentation-website
- bucket-website
- material-for-mkdocs
- object-storage
- website
Use Scaleway Managed Redis™ for MySQL caching with Entity Framework
- mysql
- redis
- entity-framework
- cache
How to use Scaleway Container Registry with GitHub Actions
- github
- container-registry
- yaml
Using Cockpit with Terraform
- observability
- cockpit
- terraform
- grafana
- monitoring
Upgrading your Database for PostgreSQL to the latest version
- storage
- PostgreSQL
- Database
- rdb
Triggering IFTTT actions from IoT Hub messages
- IoT
Transforming images in an Object Storage bucket using Serverless Functions and Triggers - Set up
- serverless
- functions
- triggers
- sqs
Transforming images in an Object Storage bucket using Serverless Functions and Triggers - Deployment
- serverless
- triggers
- sqs
- queue