0 * * * *
will trigger your function every hour at minute 0. Refer to Crontab Guru for more information on CRON schedules.
Transforming images in an S3 bucket using Serverless Functions and Triggers - Deployment
- serverless
- triggers
- sqs
- queue
In the previous tutorial, you learned how to set up your environment to use Serverless Functions with triggers to resize images from a bucket and push them to another one.
Before you start
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:
- Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
- A Scaleway Project dedicated to this tutorial
- A source bucket containing images
- An empty destination bucket
- An SQS queue with credentials
You will now learn how to deploy Serverless Functions and connect them using triggers.
Creating the BucketScan function
Create a folder named FunctionsTutorial on your desktop and access it.
Create a folder named BucketScan in this folder and access it.
Create and open the file BucketScan.js in a code editor of your choice.
Copy and paste the following code in the editor:
console.log("init");const { S3Client, ListObjectsV2Command } = require("@aws-sdk/client-s3");const { SQSClient, SendMessageCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-sqs");// Get info from env variablesconst S3_ACCESS_KEY = process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY;const S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID = process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID;const SOURCE_BUCKET = process.env.SOURCE_BUCKET;const S3_REGION = process.env.S3_REGION;const SQS_ACCESS_KEY = process.env.SQS_ACCESS_KEY;const SQS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = process.env.SQS_ACCESS_KEY_ID;const QUEUE_URL = process.env.QUEUE_URL;const SQS_ENDPOINT = process.env.SQS_ENDPOINT;const S3_ENDPOINT = `https://s3.${S3_REGION}.scw.cloud`;// Create S3 service objectconst s3Client = new S3Client({credentials: {accessKeyId: S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID,secretAccessKey: S3_ACCESS_KEY,},endpoint: S3_ENDPOINT,region: S3_REGION});// Configure parameters for the listObjectsV2 Commandconst input = {"Bucket": SOURCE_BUCKET};// Create SQS servicevar sqsClient = new SQSClient({credentials: {accessKeyId: SQS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,secretAccessKey: SQS_ACCESS_KEY},region: "par",endpoint: SQS_ENDPOINT,})console.log("init Ok")exports.handle = async (event, context, callback) => {const s3ListCommand = new ListObjectsV2Command(input);const s3List = await s3Client.send(s3ListCommand);const contents = s3List.Contents;const total = contents.length;contents.forEach(async function (content) {// Infer the image type from the file suffix.const srcKey = content.Key;const typeMatch = srcKey.match(/\.([^.]*)$/);if (!typeMatch) {console.error(`${srcKey}: Could not determine the image type.`)}const imageType = typeMatch[1].toLowerCase();// Check that the image type is supportedif (["jpeg", "jpg", "png"].includes(imageType) !== true) {console.error(`${srcKey}: Unsupported image type: ${imageType}`)}else {try {var sendMessageCommand = new SendMessageCommand({QueueUrl: QUEUE_URL,MessageBody: srcKey,});var sendMessage = await sqsClient.send(sendMessageCommand);console.log(sendMessage.MessageId);} catch (error) {console.error(error);}}});return {statusCode: 200,body: JSON.stringify({status: "Done",message: `All images from the bucket have been processed over ${total} files in the bucket`,}),headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json",},};};/* This is used to test locally and will not be executed on Scaleway Functions */if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {import("@scaleway/serverless-functions").then(scw_fnc_node => {scw_fnc_node.serveHandler(exports.handle, 8080);});} -
Save the file and exit the editor.
Run the following command in the same terminal to initialize a new NPM project and create an empty
file:npm init --yes -
Run the following command to download the required dependencies and packages:
npm i @aws-sdk/client-s3 @aws-sdk/client-sqs @scaleway/serverless-functions -
Run the following command in the same terminal to zip the content of the folder:
zip -r BucketScan.zip .
Creating the ImageTransform function
Create a folder named BucketScan in the FunctionsTutorial folder and access it.
Create a ImageTransform.js file and open it in a code editor of your choice:
Copy and paste the following code in the editor:
// Add dependenciesconsole.log("init");const { S3Client, PutObjectCommand, GetObjectCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-s3");const sharp = require("sharp");// Get connexion information from secret environment variablesconst S3_ACCESS_KEY=process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY;const S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=process.env.S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID;const SOURCE_BUCKET=process.env.SOURCE_BUCKET;const DESTINATION_BUCKET=process.env.DESTINATION_BUCKET;const S3_REGION=process.env.S3_REGION;const RESIZED_WIDTH=process.env.RESIZED_WIDTH;const S3_ENDPOINT = `https://s3.${S3_REGION}.scw.cloud`;let width = parseInt(RESIZED_WIDTH, 10);if (width < 1 || width > 1000) {width = 200;}// Create S3 service objectconst s3Client = new S3Client({credentials: {accessKeyId: S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID,secretAccessKey: S3_ACCESS_KEY,},endpoint: S3_ENDPOINT,region: S3_REGION});// Handlerexports.handle = async (event, context, callback) => {// Object key may have spaces or unicode non-ASCII characters.const srcKey = event.body;console.log(srcKey);const dstKey = "resized-" + srcKey;// Infer the image type from the file suffix.const typeMatch = srcKey.match(/\.([^.]*)$/);if (!typeMatch) {console.error(`${srcKey}: Could not determine the image type.`);return {statusCode: 500,body: JSON.stringify({status: "Error",message: `${srcKey}: Could not determine the image type.`,}),headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json",},};}// Check that the image type is supportedconst imageType = typeMatch[1].toLowerCase();if (["jpeg", "jpg", "png"].includes(imageType) !== true) {console.error(`Unsupported image type: ${imageType}`);return {statusCode: 500,body: JSON.stringify({status: "Error",message: `${srcKey}: Unsupported image type: ${imageType}`,}),headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json",},};};// Download the image from the S3 source bucket.try {const input = {Bucket: SOURCE_BUCKET,Key: srcKey,};//var origimage = await s3.getObject(params).promise();const getObjectCommand = new GetObjectCommand(input);var getObjectResult = await s3Client.send(getObjectCommand);} catch (error) {console.error(error);return error;}// Use the sharp module to resize the image.try {var sharpImg = sharp().resize({ width, withoutEnlargement: true })getObjectResult.Body.pipe(sharpImg);} catch (error) {console.error(error);return error;}// Upload the image as a Buffer to the destination buckettry {const destinput = {Bucket: DESTINATION_BUCKET,Key: dstKey,Body: await sharpImg.toBuffer(),ContentType: "image",};const putObjectCommand = new PutObjectCommand(destinput);const putimage = await s3Client.send(putObjectCommand);console.log(putimage.VersionId)} catch (error) {console.log(error);return error;}console.log(`Successfully resized ${SOURCE_BUCKET}/${srcKey} and uploaded it to ${DESTINATION_BUCKET}/${dstKey}`)return {statusCode: 201,body: JSON.stringify({status: "ok",message: `Image : ${srcKey} has successfully been resized and pushed to the bucket ${DESTINATION_BUCKET}`}),headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json",},};};/* This is used to test locally and will not be executed on Scaleway Functions */if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {import("@scaleway/serverless-functions").then(scw_fnc_node => {scw_fnc_node.serveHandler(exports.handle, 8081);});} -
Save the file and exit the code editor.
Run the following command in the same terminal to initialize a new NPM project and create an empty
file:npm init --yes -
Run the following command to download the required dependencies and packages:
npm i @aws-sdk/client-s3 @aws-sdk/client-sqs @scaleway/serverless-functionsnpm install sharp --platform=linuxmusl --arch=x64 sharp --ignore-script=false -
Run the following command in the same terminal to zip the content of the folder:
zip -r ImageTransform.zip .
Deploying functions
Creating a namespace
- Click Functions in the Serverless section of the side menu.
- Click + Create namespace.
- Enter a name for your namespace.
- Choose the AMSTERDAM region.
- Enter the following environment variables:
: the name of your source bucket (e.g.:source-images-<YOUR_NAME>
- Enter the following secrets:
: the IAM access key ID previously created.S3_ACCESS_KEY
: the IAM secret key previously created.
- Click Create namespace to finish. The Functions tab of your namespace displays.
Deploying the BucketScan function
- Click + Create function.
- Enter
as a handler. - Select NodeJS 20.
- Select Upload a ZIP and upload the BucketScan.zip archive previously created.
- Name the function bucketscan.
- Set resources to 1024 MB - 560 mVCPU.
- Enter the following environment variables:
: the endpoint of Messaging and Queuing SQS (which you previously activated).QUEUE_URL
: the URL of the Queue previously created.
- Enter the following secrets:
: the Messaging and Queuing access key ID previously created.SQS_ACCESS_KEY
: the Messaging and Queuing secret key previously created.
- Click Create function. Deploying a function takes a few minutes to complete.
Securing the BucketScan function
- Click the name of your function and access the Security tab.
- Click Generate Token.
- Add a description such as Functions tutorial.
- Leave the default expiration date.
- Click Generate token.
- Store the token securely, as you will not be able to access it later.
Adding a CRON trigger to the BucketScan function
Open the Triggers tab of your function.
Click + Create trigger.
Select CRON as a type.
0 * * * *
as a UNIX Schedule.Note -
Leave the default JSON arguments.
Click Create Trigger.
Deploying the ImageTransform function
- Click + Create Function.
- Enter
as a handler. - Select NodeJS 20.
- Select Upload a ZIP and upload the ImageTransform.zip archive previously created.
- Name the function imagetransform.
- Set resources to 1024 MB - 560 mVCPU.
- Enter the following environment variables:
: the width (in pixels) you want to resize your images to.DESTINATION_BUCKET
: the name of your destination bucket (e.g.:dest-images-<YOUR_NAME>
- Click Create function. Deploying a function takes a few minutes to complete.
Adding an SQS trigger to the ImageTransform function
- Open the Triggers tab of your function.
- Click + Create trigger.
- Select SQS (Scaleway) as a type.
- Select the queue previously created.
- Click Create trigger.
Testing the functions
Open a new terminal.
Run the following command:
curl --location --request GET '<BUCKETSCAN_ENDPOINT_URL>' \\ --header 'X-Auth-Token: <BUCKETSCAN_TOKEN>'The following response displays:
{status: "Done", "message": "All images from the bucket have been processed over X files in the bucket" } -
Open the Cockpit tab of the BucketScan function and click Open dashboards.
Click Functions Logs and select the function that ends with bucketscan from the drop-down menu. Similar logs appear:
2023-06-05 10:40:07.977 DEBUG - e7400516-7546-4f30-96cd-459632c2ac37 file=BucketScan.js line=77 source=user2023-06-05 10:40:07.973 DEBUG - 2d61d7c4-088a-472d-b82f-2b5c064f5d7b file=BucketScan.js line=77 source=user2023-06-05 10:40:07.954 DEBUG - 3dd90c82-eb8e-4838-b708-26982ba094a1 file=BucketScan.js line=77 source=user2023-06-05 10:40:07.951 DEBUG - 9e3087c2-b8db-4233-9643-9a4eab5cc722 file=BucketScan.js line=77 source=user2023-06-05 10:40:07.947 DEBUG - 2e69ab78-571f-46e5-bb2b-e5b24fbb0a7f file=BucketScan.js line=77 source=user2023-06-05 10:40:07.946 DEBUG - c2c0b81a-e8e6-49df-996d-ea06022be2d7 file=BucketScan.js line=77 source=user2023-06-05 10:40:07.944 DEBUG - 59bb6dcd-bdf4-4917-ba8d-6b7964952a25 file=BucketScan.js line=77 source=user2023-06-05 10:40:07.926 DEBUG - b931f887-5351-49b6-ba62-dd456c0ba01b file=BucketScan.js line=77 source=user2023-06-05 10:40:07.894 DEBUG - 80073154-ff74-4785-959a-6de9b177c4b4 file=BucketScan.js line=77 source=user2023-06-05 10:40:07.064 DEBUG - init Ok file=BucketScan.js line=42 source=user -
Open your destination bucket.
It now contains all the resized images.
Check out our serverless-examples repository for more examples and real-life use cases using Scaleway’s Serverless products.