Creating a Jekyll-powered website
- cms
- Jekyll
Jekyll is a powerful tool built with Ruby, designed to convert MarkDown files into static websites. Unlike server-side languages such as PHP, which generates a new page for each visitor, Jekyll takes a different approach. It transforms your MarkDown content into static HTML files, minimizing RAM and CPU usage. This method ensures that your web pages are pre-generated, providing a faster and resource-friendly solution.
In this guide, we’ll dive into how Jekyll simplifies the process of creating static websites, offering a more streamlined and performance-conscious alternative.
Before you startLink to this anchor
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:
- A Scaleway account logged into the console
- Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
- An SSH key
- Two Instances running on Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish (22.04 LTS), one for the development platform and the other to run the site in production
Installing Jekyll on the development serverLink to this anchor
Start with the installation of our development platform.
, and thebuild-essential
package.apt install ruby ruby-dev make build-essential tree git-core -
Create a user to run Jekyll and switch to the account of the user.
adduser jekyllsu jekyll -
Edit the
file to provide thegem
package manager the information to place the Gems in the user’sPATH
, to avoid conflicts with system-wide installations. -
Open the file and add the following lines at the end of the file.
# Ruby exportsexport GEM_HOME=$HOME/gemsexport PATH=$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH -
Save the file, close your text editor, and activate the exports.
source .bashrc -
Once this is done, install Jekyll via
, together withbundler
, which manages Gem dependencies.gem install jekyll bundler -
Create a new site by using
jekyll new
command. The new site will be namedwww
. Specify it behind the command and run it as the following:jekyll new wwwThe command will generate the following files, enter the
directory by typingcd www
. -
to get a listing of the files generated by Jekyll:.├── 404.html├──├── _config.yml├── Gemfile├── Gemfile.lock├──└── _posts└── 2018-04-16-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
These files are not the actual files of your website, but the data used by Jekyll to generate your site.
Installing Git on the Production serverLink to this anchor
Jekyll provides a basic web server for testing during development, but its main purpose is to build static HTML files that can be served by a web server.
We use Nginx in our example on the production server.
Start by installing the required software:
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev nginx make build-essential git-core -
Run Git on the production server, therefore you have to create a user called
:sudo adduser git -
Answer the questionnaire and set a password for the user.
Now prepare the web root for the site. Start by removing the default
file generated by Ubuntu:sudo rm /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html -
Set the ownership of the web directory, so git can update it:
sudo chown git:www-data /var/www/html -
Login as the
user and create the repository:su gitmkdir -p /home/git/scaleway-web.gitcd /home/git/scaleway-web.gitgit init --bareIf the operation is successful, you’ll see the following output:
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/git/scaleway-web.git/To launch the automatic regeneration of our site once we have pushed updates to Git, use Git Hooks.
These are scripts that are used by Git to trigger actions at certain points in Git’s execution.
Git stores these scripts in the directory
and we will use thepost-receive
hook to regenerate our site when we push it to Git. -
Create the file
in thehooks
directory and put the following content in it:#!/usr/bin/env bashGIT_REPO=$HOME/scaleway-blog.gitTMP_DIRECTORY=/tmp/scaleway-blogPUBLIC_WWW=/var/www/htmlgit clone $GIT_REPO $TMP_DIRECTORYpushd $TMP_DIRECTORYbundle exec jekyll build -d $PUBLIC_WWWpopdrm -rf $TMP_GIT_CLONEexit -
Make the file executable:
chmod +x /home/git/scaleway-blog/hooks/post-receive
Installing Jekyll on the production serverLink to this anchor
To build the site, you also need an installation of Jekyll on the production server.
On this server, Jekyll will run under our git
As on the development instance, edit the .bashrc
file to provide the gem
package manager the information to place the Gem’s in the user’s PATH
to avoid conflicts with system-wide installations.
- Open the file
and add the following lines at the end of the file:# Ruby exportsexport GEM_HOME=$HOME/gemsexport PATH=$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH - Save the file, close your text editor, and activate the exports:
source .bashrc
- Continue with the installation of Jekyll on the production server:
gem install jekyll bundler jekyll-feed jekyll-seo-tag minima
Creating an SSH key for data transferLink to this anchor
To push the content from the development system to the production server, running our website, Git uses SSH.
Create an SSH key for our jekyll
user so it can push contents to the production server.
Run the following commands on our development server:
ssh-keygen -t rsassh-copy-id git@<production-server-ip>
Disabling full SSH login on the Git shellLink to this anchor
For security reasons, we configure a non-interactive shell, disabling access to the server’s console via SSH, but allowing the use of git commands to manage existing repositories.
Make sure to run the following commands as git
user on the production server.
- Start by making a
folder, which is required forgit-shell
to work properly.mkdir -p /home/git/git-shell-commands - Create the file
to enable the non-interactive shell, and open it with Nano.nano /home/git/git-shell-commands/no-interactive-login - Put the following information in the file.
#!/usr/bin/env bashprintf '%s\n' "Welcome $USER. Interactive sessions are disabled for security reasons."exit 128
- Save the file and make it executable.
chmod +x /home/git/git-shell-commands/no-interactive-login
- Return to the root account by typing
. - Configure the user to use the
:sudo usermod -s $(which git-shell) git
Configuring Git on the development serverLink to this anchor
To be able to use Git to manage the files between both, development and production Instances, it has to also be installed on the development Instance.
Run the following commands with the jekyll
Change into the Jekyll directory (
) and initialize the Git repository.jekyll@jekyll-dev:~$ cd www/jekyll@jekyll-dev:~/www$ git initInitialized empty Git repository in /home/jekyll/www/.git/ -
Add the remote repository.
git remote add origin git@5<production-server-ip>:scaleway-blog.git -
Before you push content to the production system, you have to tell Git which files it should push. We want to use all the files in our directory.
git . -
Make your first commit. The
parameter represents the comment for the commit:jekyll@jekyll-dev:~/www$ git commit -m "Initial commit."A list of the files that have been modified will appear
[master (root-commit) d9621c8] Initial commit.8 files changed, 223 insertions(+)create mode 100644 .gitignorecreate mode 100644 404.htmlcreate mode 100644 Gemfilecreate mode 100644 Gemfile.lockcreate mode 100644 _config.ymlcreate mode 100644 _posts/2018-05-16-welcome-to-jekyll.markdowncreate mode 100644 about.mdcreate mode 100644 -
Push the content to your production server.
git push origin masterAn output like the following displays:
Counting objects: 4, done.Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 359 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)remote: /tmp/scaleway-blog ~/scaleway-blog.gitremote: Configuration file: /tmp/scaleway-blog/_config.ymlremote: Source: /tmp/scaleway-blogremote: Destination: /var/www/htmlremote: Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incrementalremote: Generating...remote: done in 0.702 seconds.remote: Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.remote: ~/scaleway-blog.git[new branch] master -> master
Running Jekyll locally during developmentLink to this anchor
Jekyll provides a built-in web server so the site can run during development directly on the development server.
Enter the command:
jekyll serve --detachAn output like the following displays:
Configuration file: /home/jekyll/www/_config.ymlSource: /home/jekyll/wwwDestination: /home/jekyll/www/_siteIncremental build: disabled. Enable with --incrementalGenerating...done in 1.715 seconds.Auto-regeneration: disabled when running server detached.Server address: detached with pid '15424'. Run `pkill -f jekyll' or `kill -9 15424' to stop the server. -
again, to see what happened since Jekyll started..├── 404.html├──├── _config.yml├── Gemfile├── Gemfile.lock├──├── _posts│ └── 2018-04-16-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown└── _site├── 404.html├── about│ └── index.html├── assets│ ├── main.css│ └── minima-social-icons.svg├── feed.xml├── index.html└── jekyll└── update└── 2018└── 04└── 16└── welcome-to-jekyll.html
Jekyll has generated a folder _site
, containing the actual HTML files of the website.
Configuring your websiteLink to this anchor
Jekyll uses different configuration files to generate the static content of the site automatically.
A file _config.yml
is available in the main directory. By default its minimum content should look like this:
# Site settingstitle: Your awesome titleemail: your-email@example.comdescription: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit thisline in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (forGoogle search results) and in your feed.xml site description.baseurl: "/blog" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blogurl: "" # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.comtwitter_username: jekyllrbgithub_username: jekyll# Build settingsmarkdown: kramdowntheme: minimaplugins:- jekyll-feed# Exclude from processing.# The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list# to override the default setting.# exclude:# - Gemfile# - Gemfile.lock# - node_modules# - vendor/bundle/# - vendor/cache/# - vendor/gems/# - vendor/ruby/
It is possible to edit it to your requirements.
To customize the layout of the pages, it is possible to build a template by creating the following directories and files:
- Jeykyll will interpret all files starting with a YAML front matter as a special file. The front matter must be the first thing in a file, and it must take the form of a valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines. Here is a very basic example:
---layout: posttitle: Managing site content with Jekyll---
The _includes
directory contains all elements of the site that are being used on each page. It is composed of:
- The footer of each package.
<footer><p>Hosted at <a href="">Scaleway</a></p><p>{% if site.github_username %} {% include icon-github.htmlusername=site.github_username %} {% endif %} {% if site.twitter_username %}{% include icon-twitter.html username=site.twitter_username %} {% endif %}</p></footer>
<head><meta charset="utf-8" /><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /><title>{% if page.title %} {{ page.title }} {% else %} {{ site.title }} {% endif %}</title><meta name="description" content="{{ site.description }}" /><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /></head>
- The navigation and header of your website.
<aside><div class="container"><nav><ul>{% for page in site.pages %} {% if page.title %}<li><a href="{{ page.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>{% endif %} {% endfor %}<li><a href='{{ "/blog" | prepend: site.baseurl }}'>Blog</a></li></ul></nav></div></aside><header><h1><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}">{{ site.title }}</a></h1></header>
The _layouts
directory may contain the following files:
- The default layout of your website.
<!DOCTYPE html><html>{% include head.html %}<body>{% include header.html %}<main><article>{{ content }}</article>{% include footer.html %}</main></body></html>
## layout: default<h2>{{ page.title }}</h2>{{ content }}
## layout: default<h2>{{ page.title }}</h2><time>{{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}{% if %} • {{}}{% endif %}{% if page.meta %} • {{ page.meta }}{% endif %}</time>{{ content }}
Creating the blogLink to this anchor
Create a separate directory for your blog. In this tutorial, we call it
. -
Enter the following file in the directory:
with the following content:
## layout: default<h4>blog</h4>{% for post in site.posts %}<time>{{ | date: "%b %-d, %Y" }}</time><h3><a href="{{ post.url | prepend: site.baseurl }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h3>{% endfor %}<p>subscribe <a href="{{ "/feed.xml" | prepend: site.baseurl }}">via RSS</a></p> -
Create a
folder, which should contain only one file:main.scss
with the following contents:
--- # Layout files to import. --- @import "base", "layout","syntax-highlighting" -
Create a
folder, which should also be empty. It will contain your style elements:
- which contains all variables, mixins, and resets_syntax-highlighting.scss
- Which can contain the information about the syntax highlighting for different languages_layout.scss
- The layout information for your website
The assets
folder contains all static assets such as images, that you could want to use on your website.
All the content of the website is located in the _posts
directory. To create a new blog post, create a new file in the format YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.markdown
Jekyll uses the Liquid templating language to process templates. So you can place different variables in your files that will be replaced automatically with different contents.
More information on the directory structure of Jeykill is available directly in their documentation.
In this tutorial, you have installed a Jekyll development Instance to deploy your website and run it locally on this machine for testing purposes. You have also set up Git to push the website to a production server and generate it automatically with Jekyll, before it is finally served to our users by Nginx. To learn more about Jekyll, read the official documentation.