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Creating an ad-blocking VPN using Pi-hole and OpenVPN/WireGuard

Reviewed on 22 July 2024Published on 09 December 2020
  • firewall
  • Pi-hole
  • pihole
  • vpn
  • OpenVPN
  • WireGuard
  • pivpn
  • security
  • privacy

Pi-hole is a DNS sinkhole that blocks unwanted ads and trackers at the network level. When combined with a VPN, it provides a secure and ad-free internet browsing experience.

This guide will show you how to:

  • Deploy a secure ad-blocking VPN using Pi-hole
  • Install either OpenVPN or WireGuard using PiVPN
  • Implement best security practices to protect your Instance

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • An SSH key

Deploying the InstanceLink to this anchor

  1. Log in to the Scaleway console and create a new Instance.
  2. Choose Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as the operating system.
  3. Once the Instance is created, connect to it via SSH:
    ssh root@your_instance_ip
  4. Update and upgrade your system:
    apt update && apt upgrade -y

Installing Pi-holeLink to this anchor

  1. Download and run the installer:
    wget -O
    chmod +x
  2. Follow the on-screen prompts:
    • Select an upstream DNS provider (Google, Cloudflare, Quad9, etc.)
    • Choose IPv4 + IPv6 filtering
    • Install the Pi-hole Web Interface
    • Set a strong password using:
      pihole -a -p
  3. Configure Pi-hole for local access only:
    pihole -a -i local

Optimizing Pi-holeLink to this anchor

To enhance privacy, you can set up Unbound, a local recursive DNS resolver:

apt install unbound -y

Then, edit Pi-hole settings to use as your custom upstream DNS.

Installing PiVPN (OpenVPN or WireGuard)Link to this anchor

PiVPN allows us to configure a VPN server with either OpenVPN or WireGuard.

Run the following commands to install PiVPN on your Instance.

wget -O
chmod +x

During installation, you will be prompted to choose:

  • OpenVPN (wider compatibility with older devices, but slower)
  • WireGuard (faster, modern encryption, recommended)

Follow the setup prompts and select:

  • A non-root user (openvpn or wireguard)
  • Default settings for encryption and networking
  • Custom port (e.g., 4343 or 23854 instead of the default 1194 to increase security)

Enhancing securityLink to this anchor

Firewall configurationLink to this anchor

Restrict access to only necessary services:

ufw allow 22/tcp
ufw allow 53/udp
ufw allow 4343/tcp # If using OpenVPN on port 4343
ufw allow 23854/udp # If using WireGuard
ufw enable

Change OpenVPN default portLink to this anchor

Edit OpenVPN’s configuration file:

nano /etc/openvpn/server.conf

Change port 1194 to port 4343 (or another port of your choice), then restart OpenVPN:

systemctl restart openvpn

Enable Fail2BanLink to this anchor

Prevent brute-force attacks by installing Fail2Ban:

apt install fail2ban -y
systemctl enable fail2ban --now

Adding VPN usersLink to this anchor

For OpenVPN:

pivpn add

For WireGuard:

pivpn wg add

Download the VPN configuration file securely using SCP or SFTP.

Testing your VPNLink to this anchor

  • Connect your device using an OpenVPN or WireGuard client.
  • Verify that your IP has changed by visiting
  • Check if ads are blocked

ConclusionLink to this anchor

You now have a secure, ad-blocking VPN setup using Pi-hole and OpenVPN/WireGuard. This setup ensures privacy, security, and a better browsing experience across all your devices.

For further optimizations, consider adding a DNS-over-HTTPS setup or custom blocklists for Pi-hole.

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