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ai-PULSE 2024: Pre-registrations are open. Apply now!

Serverless Pricing

Unlock advanced technologies without the complexity of server management

Serverless Functions

Serverless Function is billed based on:

  • Monthly requests: each request is billed €0.00000015 (or €0.15 per Million Requests), and we offer 1M free requests per account per month.
  • Resources consumption are calculated by multiplying the execution duration (in ms) of your function by the memory tiers chosen (in GB). Resources consumption is billed €1.2 per 100k GB-s and we provide 400 000 GB-s Free Tiers per account and per month.
128 MB
256 MB
512 MB
1024 MB
2048 MB
3072 MB
4096 MB
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In order to mitigate cold start latency, you can also provision functions, we will charge an additional €0.36 per 100k GB-s fees to keep your functions warm.

Prices before tax.

Serverless Containers

Easily run containers on the cloud with a single command

Type of consumptionPrice
Memory consumption
€0.000001 / GB-s (€0.10 per 100k GB-s) after a 400 000 GB
Free Tiers per account and per month
vCPU consumption
€0.00001 / vCPU-s (€1.0 per 100k vCPU-s) after a 200 000 vCPU
Free Tiers per account and per month
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You can provision containers to mitigate cold start latency or ensure longer activities, you will be billed on the resources consumed.

Prices before tax.

Serverless Jobs

Serverless Jobs is billed on the resources consumed by your running container over the month.

Type of consumptionPrice
Memory consumption
€0.000001 / GB-s (€0.10 per 100k GB-s) after a 400 000 GB
Free Tiers per account and per month
vCPU consumption
€0.00001 / vCPU-s (€1.0 per 100k vCPU-s) after a 200 000 vCPU
Free Tiers per account and per month
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Prices before taxes