Serverless SQL Database

Experience an easy PostgreSQL database that adapts automatically to your traffic.

No query, no bill

Benefit from automatic upscale and downscale of your database computing power with zero cost when not in use. Our Serverless SQL Database adapts to your usage patterns within minutes. Storage is also billed based on your cloud consumption.

Focus on data, not database tuning

Leave the configuration and management to us so you can concentrate on your data. By default, our Serverless SQL Database offers high availability and frequent backups. Your time is freed up to work on application design, business logic, and development while we take care of database management.

Ensure data sovereignty

Keep your data in Europe with our regions in Paris, Amsterdam, and Warsaw. Built entirely on a Scaleway-designed technical stack, backed by our multi-cloud tools and infrastructure, we guarantee true sovereignty from the infrastructure to the software level.

What is Serverless SQL Database?

Serverless SQL Database allows developers to query a database without worrying about managing the infrastructure that supports it.

Popular use cases

Web application

Focus on your application features without over-provisioning database capacity for peak usage.

Key features

Usage-based pricing

Only pay for the vCPU you use and the GB you store. You can even define minimum and maximum scalability thresholds for better cost control.


We scale your database up and down based on its workload, so that your application will keep running even when all your users connect at the same time.

Standard PostgreSQL

No need to refactor: your existing applications based on PostgreSQL are already compatible with Serverless SQL Database.

High availability

We provide a default high-availability target and ensure your data is automatically backed up regularly on a different Availability Zone.

Fully managed

We handle setup, configuration, patching, and performance optimization to free you from infrastructure management and let you focus on what matters.

Built for Serverless

We ensure efficient compatibility with Serverless Functions and Containers, so that thousands of functions can connect concurrently to your database.