H100 PCIe GPU instance

Accelerate your model training and inference with the most high-end AI chip of the market!

Fine tune models like LLaMA 2

Optimize Transformers Models and LLMs through efficient processes, and accelerate the training of larger models with the cutting-edge Tensor Cores 4th generation technology and the latest 8-bit data format.

Accelerate inference workloads up to 30 times

Accelerate your model serving workloads thanks to Transformer Engine 30x faster for AI inference and new data formats.

Maximize GPU utility up to your needs

With 2nd generation of Secure MIG (multi-instance GPU), partition the GPU into isolated, right-size instances to maximize utilization for the smallest to biggest multi-GPU jobs.

Available zones:
Paris:PAR 2

H100 PCIe GPU technical specifications

  • GPUNVIDIA H100 PCIe Tensor Core

  • GPU Memory80GB HBM2e

  • Processor24 vCPUs AMD Epyc Zen 4

  • Processor frequency2.7 Ghz

  • Memory240 GB of RAM

  • Memory typeDDR5

  • Bandwidth10 Gbps

  • StorageBlock Storage for the boot and 3TB of Scratch Storage NVMe

  • Numerous AI applications and use cases

    Natural Language Processing

    Understands, interprets, and generates human language in a way that is both meaningful and contextually relevant.
    Thanks to models and algorithms specialized in:

    • Text classification
    • Machine translation
    • Entailment prediction
    • Named entity recognition
    • Sequence-to-sequence, like BERT for text extraction
    • Text similarity search, like BERT to find semantic similarities
    • Language modeling

    Choose your instance's format

    Instance NameNumber of GPUTFLOPs FP16 Tensor CoresVRAMPrices until June, 30Prices from July, 1
    H100-1-80GB1 H100 PCIe Tensor CoreUp to 1,513 teraFLOPS80GB€2.52/hour€2.73/hour
    H100-2-80G2 H100 PCIe Tensor CoreUp to 3,026 teraFLOPS2 x 80GB€5.04/hour€5.46/hour

    Enjoy the simplicity of a pre-configured AI environment

    Optimized GPU OS Image

    Benefit from a ready-to-use Ubuntu image to launch your favorite deep learning containers (pre-installed NVIDIA driver and Docker environment).

    Learn more

    Enjoy your favorite Jupyter environment

    Easily launch your favorite JupyterLab or Notebook thanks to the pre-installed Docker environment

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    Choose your AI containers among multiple registries

    Access multiple container registries: your own build containers, Scaleway AI containers, NVIDIA NGC registry and any other registry

    Learn more

    NVIDIA Enterprise AI software at your disposal

    Access hundreds of AI softwares optimized by Nvidia to maximise the efficiency of your GPUs and boost your productivity. Among hundreds of softwares developed by NVIDIA and tested by leaders of their industry, harness the efficiency of

    • NVIDIA Nemo for LLM fine-tuning,
    • NVIDIA TAO for computer vision,
    • NVIDIA TRITON for inference
    Learn more

    Deploy and Scale your infrastructure with Kubernetes