Flexible IPs Adresses

The benefits of Flexible IPs
Keep the IP and switch to a new server
Reliable and flexible instances tuned to host your websites, applications and development environments.
Multiple public IPs
It is possible to add several public IPs on the same Elastic Metal server to host virtual machines on a hypervisor. In addition, we provide virtual MAC address management for VMWare ESXi, Xen and KVM.
Scaling by splitting services
Flexible IP also lets you concentrate on your infrastructure or on one or two servers, and balance the load during peak periods such as sales.
Exit over several IPs (e.g. mailing routing)
Sending emails is a profession that requires specific tools to ensure proper delivery. DNS reversals and IP allow you, for example, to have flexible IP by a provider with correctly configured DNS reversals.
Learn more about Flexible IP's
Understand how to configure Flexible IPs
Learn how to order a flexible IP for Elastic Metal servers, that allow you to move an IP from one server to another without changing your whole configuration.
API Documentation
How to use the API for Elastic Metal server and Flexible IPs
Scaleway's APIs are key part of the Scaleway Ecosystem: anything you can do from the web console can be done through APIs.
Frequently asked questions
And answers
Comprehensive documentation to help you get from start to scale.