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Supported models

Reviewed on 02 September 2024Published on 02 September 2024

This service is free while in beta. Specific terms and conditions apply.

Our Chat API has built-in support for the most popular instruct models.

Chat models

ProviderModel stringContext windowLicenseModel card
Metallama-3.1-8b-instruct128kLlama 3.1 Community License AgreementHF

If you are unsure which chat model to use, we currently recommend Llama 3.1 8B Instruct (llama-3.1-8b-instruct) to get started.


Missing a model? Tell us what you would like to see here, and we might add it shortly.

Embedding models

Our Embeddings API provides built-in support for the following models, hosted in Scaleway data centers, available via serverless endpoints.

ProviderModel stringModel sizeEmbedding dimensionContext windowLicenseModel card

Request a model

Do not see a model you want to use? Tell us or vote for what you would like to add here.

Deprecated models

This section will list models retired and no longer accessible for use. All models are currently in Active status.

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