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How to use your Managed Inference deployment with a Private Network

Reviewed on 18 June 2024Published on 18 June 2024

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of attaching a Private Network to your Managed Inference deployment. This can be done during the initial setup or added later to an existing deployment. Using a Private Network for communications between your Instances hosting your applications and the Managed Inference deployment ensures secure communication between resources with low latency.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • A Managed Inference deployment

How to attach a Private Network to a Managed Inference deployment

Attaching a Private Network during deployment setup

  1. Click Managed Inference in the AI & Data section of the Scaleway console side menu. A list of your deployments displays.
  2. Navigate to the Deployments section and click Create New Deployment. The setup wizard displays.
  3. During the setup process, you access the Networking section.
  4. You will be asked to attach a Private Network. Two options are available:
    • Attach an existing Private Network: Select from the list of available networks.
    • Add a new Private Network: Choose this option if you need to create a new network.
  5. Confirm your selection and complete the deployment setup process.

Attaching a Private Network to an existing deployment

  1. Click Managed Inference in the AI & Data section of the Scaleway console side menu. A list of your deployments displays.
  2. Click a deployment name or «See more Icon» > More info to access the deployment dashboard.
  3. Go to the Overview tab and locate the Endpoints section.
  4. Click Attach Private Network. Two options are available:
    • Attach an existing Private Network: Select from the list of available networks.
    • Add a new Private Network: Choose this option if you need to create a new network.

    Alternatively, you can access the Security tab and attach a network from the Private Network section.

  5. Save your changes to apply the new network configuration.

Verifying the Private Network connection

  1. After attaching a Private Network, go to the Security tab.
  2. You should see the Private Network connected to the deployment resource and its allocated IPs listed.

How to send inference requests in a Private Network

  1. Create an Instance which will host the inference application.


    Ensure the Instance is attached to the same Private Network as your Managed Inference deployment.

  2. Download the TLS certificate from your Managed Inference deployment, available from the Overview tab in the Endpoints section.

  3. Transfer the TLS certificate to the Instance using the scp (secure copy) command to securely transfer the certificate from your local machine to the Scaleway Instance.

    • Example command:
      scp -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 /home/user/certs/cert_file.pem
    • Replace placeholders in the command above as follows:
      • -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519: Path to your private SSH key.
      • /home/user/certs/cert_file.pem: Path to the certificate file on your local machine.
      • root: Your Scaleway Instance username (root for default configuration).
      • Public IP address of your Scaleway Instance.
      • :/root: Destination directory on the Scaleway Instance.

    Ensure the destination directory exists and you have write permissions. Create the directory if necessary.

  4. Connect to your Instance using SSH.

  5. Open a text editor and create a file named using the following command:

  6. Paste the following Python code sample into your file:


    This script takes an example of a conversational task with a request sent to an LLM through the Chat Completions API.

    import requests
    PAYLOAD = {
    "model": "<MODEL_DEPLOYED>", # EXAMPLE= meta/llama-3-8b-instruct:bf16
    "messages": [
    {"role": "system",
    "content": "You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant."},
    {"role": "user",
    "content": "How can I use large language models to improve customer service?"}
    "max_tokens": 500,
    "temperature": 0.7,
    "stream": False
    headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + "<SCW_SECRET_KEY>"} # ADD IAM KEY IF NECESSARY
    response ="<PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_URL>/v1/chat/completions",
    headers=headers, json=PAYLOAD, stream=False, verify='<CERT_NAME>.pem')
    if response.status_code ==
    data = response.json()
    content = data['choices'][0]['message']['content']
    print("Error occurred:", response.text)

    Edit the script as follows:

    • PAYLOAD: Update the model name and inference parameters.
    • headers: Add your IAM secret key if IAM authentication is enabled.
    • response: Update with your private endpoint URL and certificate file path.
  7. Save your changes using CONTROL+O, then exit with CONTROL+X.

  8. Make your script executable using the following command:

    chmod +x
  9. Run the script:


Detaching a Private Network from a Managed Inference deployment

  1. Click Managed Inference in the AI & Data section of the Scaleway console side menu. A list of your deployments displays.
  2. Click a deployment name or «See more Icon» > More info to access the deployment dashboard.
  3. Go to the Overview tab and locate the Endpoints section.
  4. Click Detach Private Network. A pop-up displays.
  5. Click Detach Private Network to confirm the removal of the private endpoint for your deployment.

    Alternatively, you can access the Security tab and detach a network from the Private Network section.


    Managed Inference deployments must have at least one endpoint, either public or private. Consequently, users cannot detach their private endpoint without having a public one.

See also
How to manage allowed IP addressesHow to delete a deployment
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