

Creating your Scaleway account gives you access to the Scaleway ecosystem via the Scaleway console and Scaleway API to create, deploy, and scale our products and services with ease.

Scaleway account quickstart

Getting Started


Discover how to create an account in a few easy steps.

View Quickstart


Core concepts that give you a better understanding of your Scaleway account.

View Concepts


Learn how to manage your Scaleway account using the Scaleway console.

View How-Tos

Additional Content

Go further with detailed, in-depth information on Scaleway accounts.

View Additional Content
Account API

Manage your Scaleway account using the Scaleway API.

Go to Account API


  • Console


    Login SSO Google & Microsoft

    ⚡️ We are happy to announce that you can now log in to the console using Google and Microsoft SSO. To do so, make sure the email address associated with your Scaleway account matches the email address of your Google or Microsoft account.

  • Console


    We are happy to announce that you can now find resources thanks to the new search in the console. Find them by their name or ID. More product integrations will come. Refer to our dedicated documentation to see which products are available now.

  • Console



    New feature: Our integrated console CLI works with WebAssembly and uses your console credentials to offer you a seamless CLI experience without installing anything on your machine. Benefit from enhanced output formatting and discover a new way to manage your Scaleway resources. You can also install it natively on your local machine, as we support Windows, macOS, and Linux.

    See our product documentation for more information.

View the full changelog

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