When you register a new credit card, an authorization charge of €1 is debited from your account. This authorization charge is a dummy transaction made to check the validity of the card, and will carry a 4-digit validation code, displayed on your bank account statement. The authorization charge will be reimbursed within 48 to 72 hours.
Billing - Quickstart
Before you can order Scaleway resources, you must add your payment method to your account.
Before you start
To complete the actions presented below, you must have:
- A Scaleway account logged into the console
- Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
How to add a payment method
- Click Billing in the Organization drop-down menu to go to the Billing page.
- Click Payment and billing.
- Scroll down to Payment Methods.
You can choose between two payment methods: credit card or SEPA mandate.
How to add a credit card
Enter the details of your credit or debit card.
Click Add credit card to confirm. A 3D Secure validation is initiated. Depending on your bank, you may be asked to enter a code received by SMS or via an application on your smartphone.
Enter the code and validate the form.
Note -
Click Verify. A pop-up appears.
Enter the 4-digit validation code displayed on your bank account statement.
NoteBank account statements have different displays depending on the bank, but the validation code can always be found in the description of your transactions. The image below provides an example of how the validation code might appear in your bank statement:
You have up to 10 days to enter your validation code in the console. This helps us secure your account.
How to add a SEPA mandate
This method requires a successful KYC verification.
- Click SEPA Direct Debit under Payment Methods.
- Click +Add a SEPA mandate. A pop-up appears.
- Enter the required information.
- Click Add a SEPA mandate to confirm.
How to change your billing information
Click Billing in the Organization drop-down menu to go to the Billing page.
Click «Edit Icon» in the Billing information area. A pop-up displays.
Enter your new postal address and click Confirm changes to validate.
Your new billing address is now used for your invoices.
It is not possible to edit your country and region information directly from this form. Contact the support team if you need to modify this information.