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How to create a Kubernetes Kosmos cluster

Reviewed on 17 June 2024Published on 31 May 2021

Kubernetes Kosmos provides an alternative to a classic Kubernetes Kapsule. With Kubernetes Kosmos, you can create a Kubernetes cluster comprising both managed Scaleway Instances (with autohealing and autoscaling), and external Instances and servers from any other cloud provider. Scaleway still ensures the high availability of your services globally, in different zones, regions, and providers. In addition to the Kubernetes Kapsule pricing, you are charged for the Kubernetes Kosmos control plane, and an additional fee for managed external nodes.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization

Be aware that autoscaling and autohealing features are unavailable on external providers’ nodes within Kosmos clusters. Since Scaleway does not have access to your other providers’ accounts, it is not possible to carry out actions such as automatic deletion, creation, and reboot of external nodes.

  1. Click Kubernetes in the Containers section of the Scaleway console side menu. The Kubernetes dashboard displays.
  2. Click Create cluster. The first page of the cluster creation wizard displays. This concerns the configuration of your cluster.
  3. Complete the following steps of the wizard:
    • Choose a cluster type. Select Kubernetes Kosmos to create a cluster that allows attaching a compute Instance or dedicated server from any Cloud provider to a Scaleway Kubernetes control plane.

      This document concerns the creation and management of a Kubernetes Kosmos cluster. To create a Kubernetes Kapsule cluster, refer to the Kubernetes Kapsule documentation.

    • The geographical region of the cluster.
    • The Kubernetes version for the cluster.
    • A name for the cluster and optionally a description and tags.
  4. Click Create cluster to create your cluster without any Scaleway pools. If you choose this option, your cluster and its control plane are deployed, and you are taken to the cluster’s overview tab. Continue to How to manage your Kubernetes Kosmos cluster to find out how to add multi-cloud pools to your cluster. Alternatively, click Add and configure a pool to add a pool of Scaleway nodes to your cluster. In this case, the second page of the cluster creation wizard displays. This concerns the settings for your pool.
  5. Enter the following information to configure a Scaleway pool:
    • The Availability Zone in which all your pool’s nodes will be created.
    • The node type you need.
    • The configuration for your pool options, including the number of nodes and whether to enable autoscale. You can also choose whether to enable autoheal and whether to link the cluster to a placement group. Alternatively, you can leave these options at default values.
  6. Click Create cluster. Your cluster is deployed, and you are taken to the cluster’s Overview tab.
See also
How to manage a Kapsule clusterHow to manage a Kosmos cluster
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