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How to outsource a failover IP

Reviewed on 01 February 2024Published on 12 March 2020

Outsourcing a Dedibox dedicated server and its allocated failover IPs grants another Dedibox user the right to manage them on your behalf.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Dedibox account logged into the console
  1. Navigate to Server > Network configuration in the top menu of the Dedibox console. The list of your failover IPs displays.

  2. Locate the failover IP you want to outsource and click the settings icon next to it. From the menu that displays, select Outsourcing. An outsourcing form displays.

  3. Enter the identifier of the new technical contact who will be managing your failover IP. This identifier is the login of the other user’s console account. After filling in the required details, click Send request to validate the form.

    Upon receiving the request, the destination account holder will be notified and asked to accept the outsourcing of your failover IP into their Scaleway Dedibox account.

See also
How to outsource a DediboxHow to accept outsourcing
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