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How to upload and use an SSH key

Reviewed on 02 February 2024Published on 12 March 2020

SSH keys offer a more secure method of identity authentication on computer systems compared to passwords. Each SSH key comprises a private and a public part, which can be generated on your computer. The public part serves the purpose of passwordless authentication and can be uploaded to the Scaleway Dedibox console and then transferred to your dedicated server during installation.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Dedibox account logged into the console
  1. On the top right corner of the console, click on your identifier to open the pop-up menu. From there, select SSH keys.

    You will be taken to a page displaying all your existing SSH keys (if you haven’t created any yet, the list will be empty).

  2. Click Add SSH key to access the SSH key form.

  3. Provide a description of your choice (for example, your computer’s name) and paste the public key into the designated field of the form.

  4. Click Add SSH key to upload the public key to your Scaleway Dedibox account.

    With the SSH key now uploaded, you can select it during the Dedibox installation process and use it for authentication on your server.


If you upload another key or change the existing one, you must manually replace it on your Dedibox. The keys are transferred from the console to your server solely during installation.

See also
How to update your account emailHow to outsource a Dedibox
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