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What is the difference between VPC and a Private Network?

One default VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) for every available region is automatically created in each Scaleway Project. A VPC offers layer 3 network isolation.

Within each VPC, you can create multiple Private Networks and attach Scaleway resources to them, as long as the resources are in an AZ within the network’s region. Attached resources can then communicate between themselves in an isolated and secure layer 2 network, away from the public internet.

In the future, VPC will allow you to define specific routing rules for your Private Networks, interconnect your VPC with other networks, define access control lists and more.

Can I route traffic between different Private Networks on the same VPC?

Yes, VPC routing allows you to automize the routing of traffic between resources in different Private Networks within the same VPC.

Can I route traffic between different Private Networks in different VPCs or different Scaleway Projects?

This is not currently possible. You may consider using a VPN tunnel to achieve this, for example IPsec or WireGuard. Scaleway also offers an OpenVPN InstantApp, making it easy to install a VPN directly on an Instance.

What happened to my classic, mono-AZ Private Network?

When VPC and regional Private Networks moved from Public Beta to General Availability, all mono-AZ Private Networks were automatically migrated to be regional. Read the documentation to find out more about the migration process.

Do resources’ IP addresses on a Private Network risk changing when allocated by managed DHCP?

With managed DHCP, the IP is allocated when the resource is attached to a Private Network, and released only when the resource is detached or deleted. The IP address remains stable across reboots and long power offs, and will not change except upon deletion or detachment from the Private Network.

How can I manage IP addresses for my Proxmox Virtual Machines on Elastic Metal servers?

If you are running multiple virtual machines on an Elastic Metal server, our managed DHCP is not currently able to distribute IP addresses to these VMs. We recommend that you use the Public Gateway API or other developer tools for Public Gateway, to make static DHCP reservations for your virtual machines on Elastic Metal. You can also use the IPAM API to reserve IPs, but note that with this method you will still need to manually configure the reserved IP addresses on your VMs, as you cannot associate the reserved IP address with a specific MAC address.

In the future, as we develop our public-facing IPAM functionality, we plan to make static IP reservations available via the Scaleway console.

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