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Reviewed on 10 July 2024Published on 21 February 2023

In this quickstart, we show you how to create a secret within a path, and how to add versions to your newly-created secret.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization

How to create a secret

  1. Click Secret Manager in the Security and Identity section of the Scaleway console side menu.

  2. Click + Create secret.

  3. Choose the region in which you want to store your secret.


    Secrets cannot be moved from one region to another after creation.

  4. Add your secret:

    • Choose whether to add your secret manually or import it from a file.

      The maximum file size for your secret is 64 KiB.

    • Choose a secret type and enter or upload your secret value.
  5. Choose a path for your secret.


    A path is the directory structure to access your secrets and their versions. Each path must be prefixed with a slash.

  6. Enter a name for your secret and add tags (optional).

  7. Optionally, click «Toogle Icon» to enable secret protection.

  8. Optionally, click «Toogle Icon» next to Enable single access or Enable Time to Live to apply an ephemeral policy to your secret and its versions.

    • Single access: allows you to set your secret versions to expire after one single access.
    • Time to Live: allows you to set a time frame of up to one year, during which your secret versions are valid and accessible.
    • The ephemeral policy can only be applied to a secret at creation, and cannot be removed once applied.
    • Once applied to a secret, the ephemeral policy’s settings will be applied to all the secret’s versions (even those created subsequently).
  9. Click Create secret. The Overview tab of your secret displays.

    • You have created a secret on the go. The value of your secret is stored in its first version, which is enabled by default. At creation, your secret only has one version. Keep reading our quickstart to find out how to add more versions to your secret.

How to add a secret version

  1. Click your secret’s Versions tab.
  2. Click + Create version. A pop-up displays.
  3. Add your version manually or import it from a file.

    By default, all your secret versions have the same type as the secret they belong to. You cannot change the type after you have created the secret.

  4. Enter or upload the new values.
  5. Click the «Toogle Icon» icon if you want to enable the version.
  6. Click Create version. Your secret versions display.
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