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How to configure advanced settings

Reviewed on 04 July 2024Published on 22 June 2022

Advanced settings allow you to modify the default configuration of your Redis™ Database Instances.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • A Redis™ Database Instance

Changing the advanced settings can have an impact on the performance of your Database Instance.

  1. Click Redis™ under Managed Databases on the side menu. A list of your Database Instances displays.

  2. Click the database name or «See more Icon» > More info to access the Database Instance information page.

  3. Click the Advanced settings tab.

    To add advanced settings, follow these steps:

    • Click Add advanced settings.
    • Select a parameter from the drop-down list. For Redis™ Database Instances, you can configure:
      • tcp-keepalive - the period used to send Acknowledgment flags (ACKs), specified in seconds
      • maxclients - the maximum number of clients that can be connected at the same time
      • maxmemory-policy - parameter that defines how Redis™ selects what data to remove when maximum memory is reached.
    • Configure the value associated with your setting.
    • Click «Validate Icon» to validate.

    You can click Add parameters to add and configure other parameters.

    To delete advanced settings:

    • Click «Edit Icon».
    • Click «Delete Icon» next to the setting you wish to delete.
    • Click «Validate Icon» to confirm your changes.
See also
How to scale up a Redis™ Database InstanceHow to delete a Redis™ Database Instance
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