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Transactional Email capabilities and limits

Reviewed on 07 November 2023Published on 07 November 2022

This page provides information about the capabilities and limits of Scaleway Transactional Email service, depending on user quotas.

Every Organization has quotas, which are limits on the number of Scaleway resources they can use. Below is a list of basic quotas available for Transactional Email.

  • Additional quotas can be added on a case-by-case basis. If you have already validated your payment method and your identity and want to increase your quota beyond the values shown on this page, contact our support team
  • Starting from December 1st 2023, Transactional Email no longer applies an hourly quota for your email sending. Find out more about Transactional Email’s pricing on the product pricing page.
Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Max. of recipients33
Domains per Organization25
Emails sent per month5005000
Max. of attachments22
Max. size of an email (Mo) for API2*2*
Max. size of an email (Mo) for SMTP2*2*

*Including the email and the attachments in the email.

Types of attachments available

The attachments available are the following:

File typeMIME type
CSV (comma-separated values)text/csv
JPEG imageimage/jpeg image/jpg
PNG fileimage/png
GIF fileimage/gif
XML fileapplication/xml text/xml
  • Keep in mind that when sending an email with Transactional Email, each recipient counts as a separate email. Example: If you send an email to one recipient and you add three recipients as CC, you will be billed for 4 emails.
  • Transactional Email is only available in the fr-par region.
  • The recursive SPF include directive is not supported.
  • The subject, body and HTML of your emails must have at least 10 characters.

Supported ESMTP extensions

Transactional Email’s SMTP relay supports the following ESMTP extensions:

  • SIZE
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