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How to grant access to the Partner Space

Reviewed on 27 May 2024Published on 27 May 2024

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Scaleway Partner status
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization

How to create a policy for Partner Space access

Only users to whom this policy applies will have access to the Partner Space.

  1. Click Identity and Access Management (IAM) from the top-right of your Organization dashboard in the Scaleway console. The Users tab of the Identity and Access Management dashboard displays.
  2. Click the Policies tab. A list of the Organization’s existing policies displays.
  3. Click Create policy. The creation wizard displays.
  4. Complete the steps on the first page of the creation wizard:
    • Enter a name for the policy (e.g., “Reseller”)
    • Add a description and/or a tag (optional)
  5. Set the principal type as Group.
  6. Define the Group as either Administrators (access to the entire Organization) or Billing Administrators (access to the billing features, including the Partner Space).
  7. Select the Access to Organization features scope.
  8. Click Validate to continue.
  9. Choose Reseller from the permission sets list.
  10. Tick the ResellerFullAccess box.
  11. Click Validate. The rule, with its scope and permission sets, is added to the list of the policy’s rules.
  12. Click Create policy to finish. You are returned to the Policies tab, where the newly created policy appears in the list.

How to grant access to the Partner Space

Now that you have created the Reseller policy, you can apply it to users who need access to the Partner Space.

  1. Click the Users tab.
  2. Locate the user you want to grant access to. If the user is not yet part of the Organization, you will need to invite them first.
  3. Click «See more Icon» to the right of the row. The overview of the user’s information displays.
  4. Click the Group & Policies tab.
  5. Click Add to group.
  6. Select either Administrator or Billing Administrator, depending on the policy you created.

Refer to the IAM documentation for more details about user permission and access management.

See also
How to unlock a client's Organization
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