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How to package your function and dependencies to a zip file and upload it

Reviewed on 18 March 2024Published on 26 May 2021

This page explains how to upload your functions and their dependencies as a zip file using the Scaleway console.

This feature allows you to add your libraries or static files to your function.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • A Functions namespace

How to package a function into zip file

There are different methods to deploy functions and some of them require the function to be packaged into a zip file.

To match the Scaleway build pipelines requirements, functions zip files must contain the content of the root folder you want to publish.

Example of a good archive

The file containing the handler of the function is located at the root of the archive.
└── handler.js

Example of a bad archive

The file containing the handler of the function is located in a folder, and not at the root of the archive.
└── myFunction/
└── handler.js

Creating a zip file

To create an archive of folder content, you can use the zip command:

zip -r myFunction/

To check if your archive is well-formed, ensure you have your function code as soon as you unzip it.

How to upload your zip file to the Scaleway console

  1. Package your dependencies on your local computer, as explained in the Configure your package section.
  2. Create a zip archive containing the files and folders you need.
  3. Go to the Functions section of the Scaleway console and click on the functions namespace you want to use.
  4. Click + Create function. The function creation page displays.
  5. On the function creation page, choose your desired runtime.
  6. Select Upload a ZIP under Function code.
  7. Drag and drop your zip file in the reserved field or upload it.
  8. Specify your handler path.
  9. Configure your function.
  10. Click Create function to finish.

Refer to our dedicated documentation for more information on how to create Serverless Functions.

How to upload your zip file using the Scaleway API


These steps only apply if you use a Scaleway runtime.

In this section, you will upload your code to a S3 bucket, which we will package and build into a container image. The created container image will then be available in a registry namespace associated to your functions namespace.

  1. Set an environment variable to name the zip file automatically.

    export FUNCTION_ARCHIVE="function-$"
  2. Create a zip archive with your code:

    zip $FUNCTION_ARCHIVE handler.js

    If you wish to use external dependencies, you will have to package them inside the zip archive as well:

    zip -r $FUNCTION_ARCHIVE package.json handler.js node_modules
  3. Get the size of your archive in bytes, to ask for a presigned URL to upload your source code:

    ls -lh
    -rw-r--r-- 1 user group 675 Apr 18 15:42 $FUNCTION_ARCHIVE
    export ARCHIVE_SIZE=675
  4. Get the presigned URL from the API.

    curl -X GET -H "X-Auth-Token: $SCW_ACCESS_KEY" "$SCW_DEFAULT_REGION/functions/$SCW_FUNCTION_ID/upload-url?content_length=$ARCHIVE_SIZE"
    ## Example of response from our API

    As you can see, the URL is not properly formatted (\u0026…). To use it properly to upload your code, you must copy the full URL with quotes (otherwise your terminal might add unwanted \uaa in the URL string):

    export FUNCTION_ARCHIVE_URL=$(echo -n "<your-url>")

    If you do not copy the URL with wrapping quotes and save a variable inside using echo -n to replace \u0026 expressions, you will get an error in the following step.

    If you use Postman, you can usually export the presigned URL as it is, as long as you also copy/paste the quotes.

  5. Run the following code to upload your code to the presigned URL:

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --upload-file $FUNCTION_ARCHIVE -H "Content-Length: $ARCHIVE_SIZE" $FUNCTION_ARCHIVE_URL

How to configure your package using Python

Python handler

The Handler name is a path to the handler file, suffixed with the function name to use as a handler. In the following example, we use one handler,, inside the src/handlers folder.

└── handlers
└── → def say_hello(event, context): ...
  1. Package your function. On Unix systems, you can use the zip utility:

    zip -r handlers/
  2. Upload the archive in the console.

  3. Provide a custom handler name. In this case, the handler is say_hello.


    By default, the handler path is handler.handle (def handle in

Python additional dependencies

Additional dependencies must be included inside a package directory at the root of your archive.

Your directory structure should look like this:

├── handlers
│ ├──
│ └──
└── package → Your vendored Python dependencies
└── requests

To package your functions into an archive that can be uploaded to the console, you can use the zip utility:

zip -r handlers/ package/

Python standard dependencies

In addition, you can install your dependencies in the package directory. To do so, run the following command:

pip install requests --target ./package

Or with a requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt --target ./package

Specific libraries (with needs for specific C compiled code)

In some specific cases, you might need to install libraries that require specific C compiled code such as:

  • numpy
  • tensorflow
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • psycopg2 and others.

Our Python runtimes run on top of Alpine Linux environments, for these specific dependencies, you will have to install your dependencies inside a Docker container, with a specific image, that we are providing to our users. Run the following command from the root of your project to install your dependencies before uploading your source code and deploying your function:

PYTHON_VERSION=3.10 # or 3.7, 3.8, ...
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/home/app/function --workdir /home/app/function$PYTHON_VERSION pip install -r requirements.txt --target ./package

This command will run pip install with the given requirements.txt file inside a docker container compatible with our function runtimes, and pull the installed dependencies locally to your package directory. As these dependencies have been installed on top of Alpine Linux with our compatible system libraries, you will be able to upload your source code and deploy your function properly.

How to configure your package using Node

Node handler

The Handler name is a path to the handler file, suffixed with the function name to use as a handler. In the following example, we use two handlers, hello.js and world.js, inside the handlers folder.

└── handlers
└── hello.js → export {sayHello}; function sayHello(...) {}
  1. Package your function. On Unix systems, you can use the zip utility:

    zip -r handlers/
  2. Upload the archive in the console.

  3. Provide a custom handler name. In this case, the handler is sayHello.

Node additional dependencies

If you need to push external dependencies for your node.js functions, you must package your node_modules directory into your deployment archive. To do so, launch the following command:

├── handler.js
└── node_modules
└── your_dependencies

You can use tools such as webpack or NCC a CLI tool to build node.js executables, which packages your code into separate files. Then, you will be able to upload your compiled handler file reducing the size of your bundle. For example: ncc handler.js -o build/handler.js # -> Builds dist/inde.

Then, set up your function handler to be: build/handler.js if you package the whole build directory. Do not forget to point the function handler property to the path of your built handler in your archive (if build/handler.myHandler, then handler must be build/handler.js).

How to configure your package using Golang

Golang handler

With Golang functions, the handler name should be the name of your exported handler function if your handler is at the root of your folder.

If your handler is in a subdirectory, the handler name should be prefixed by the directory followed by the exported function name.

├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── handler.go → package handler with func Handle()
  1. Package your function. On Unix systems, you can use the zip utility:

    zip -r go.mod go.sum handler.go
  2. Upload the archive in the console.

  3. Provide a custom handler name. Each of your functions will know which handler file to run:

    • For the file handler.go at the root of the project → Handle.

By default, the handler path is Handle (package main at the root of the archive).

Golang additional dependencies

If you need external dependencies for your Golang handlers, you can provide these dependencies using Go Modules. Our runtimes automatically install your dependencies at Build time (once you start the function deployment).


Dependencies installation at the build-time results in longer builds.

├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── handler.go

Package your dependencies with the command go mod vendor, and provide your generated vendor directory to the function archive. This approach will save you some time during builds:

├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
└── vendor
└── your-dependencies

How to configure your package using PHP

PHP handler

The Handler name is a path to the handler file, suffixed with the function name to use as a handler. In the following example, we use the handler file handler.php.

├── composer.json → optional
└── handler.php → handler function defined here

The composer.json file enables you to define dependencies that will be installed when deploying your functions, for more information, you can check the official documentation of composer.

  1. Package your functions. On Unix systems, you can use the zip utility:

    zip -r composer.json handler.php
  2. Upload the archive in the console.

  3. Make sure to provide the right handler name, with the previous directory structure: handler.handle.

How to configure your package using Rust

Rust handler

The Handler name is a path to the handler file, suffixed with the function name to use as a handler. In the following example, we use the handler file inside the src folder.

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
└── → pub async fn handle(...)
  1. Specify the file to be executed in your Cargo.toml file:

    path = "src/"
  2. Make sure to provide the right handler name, namely handle.

Rust additional dependencies

If you need external dependencies for your Rust handlers, you can provide these dependencies in your Cargo.toml file. Our runtimes automatically install your dependencies at Build time (once you start the function deployment).


Dependencies installation at the build-time results in longer builds.

How to manage multiple handles in the same zip file

To enhance deployment simplicity, all runtimes support the inclusion of multiple handlers, either within a single file or across multiple files.


├── myFuncA.lang (contains handlerA() and handlerB())
└── myFuncB.lang (contains handlerC())

This way, you can package 3 functions within the same zip file, and execute the desired one by changing the handler parameter to match the handler you want.

See also
How to test a functionHow to manage a function
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