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How to deactivate or delete a Messaging and Queuing service

Reviewed on 07 August 2024Published on 03 October 2023

This page shows how to deactivate an SQS or SNS service, or delete a NATS account. These two processes are different, but equivalent.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • A NATS account or have activated SQS/SNS

How to deactivate SNS or SQS

  1. Click Messaging in the Serverless section of the Scaleway console side menu. The list of Messaging and Queuing protocols displays.

  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the region you want to deactivate the relevant protocol in.

  3. Click SQS or SNS depending on which protocol you want to deactivate.

  4. Click the Settings tab.


    If you do not currently have any credentials, topics or queues created for this protocol, you will not be able to access the Settings tab. Temporarily create credentials, or a topic or queue, in order to access the Settings tab. Then, proceed with the steps below to deactivate the protocol.

  5. In the bottom panel, click the Deactivate button for the protocol.

    A pop-up displays, reminding you that any existing SQS (or SNS) resources you have will be permanently deleted, and that you will not be able to create any new queues/topics or credentials unless you reactivate the protocol.

  6. Click Deactivate SQS (or SNS) to confirm.


SQS and SNS must be deactivated on a region-by-region basis. If you have activated SNS or SQS in other regions, and you also want to deactivate those, repeat the process above to deactivate the protocol in each one.

How to delete a NATS account

  1. Click Messaging in the Serverless section of the Scaleway console side menu. The list of Messaging and Queuing protocols displays.

  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the region containing the NATS account you want to delete.

  3. Click NATS, then click the NATS account you want to delete.

  4. In the bottom panel, click the Delete NATS account button.

    A pop-up displays, reminding you that the action is irreversible, and any associated queued messages and credentials will be deleted.

  5. Type DELETE and click Delete NATS account to confirm.


Repeat the process above for each NATS account you want to delete. Remember to use the region drop-down as appropriate to access the different NATS accounts you hold in different regions.

See also
How to monitor Messaging and Queuing with Cockpit
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