Solving connection errors
FATAL: password authentication failed for user
The error message below appears when trying to connect to the Serverless SQL Database:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "example-fafb-4c6c-a406-911d9675a703"
You either used the wrong password/IAM secret key, or the wrong username/IAM user ID/application ID.
Make sure that you use the correct user/application ID and secret key combination.
FATAL: principal does not have permission to access database
The error message below appears when trying to connect to the Serverless SQL Database:
FATAL: principal example-fafb-4c6c-a406-911d9675a703 does not have permission to access database example-a2ea-4f6e-bbe5-791a1b6905ff
The IAM principal (user or application) does not have the necessary permissions to connect the database.
Create a new IAM policy or update an existing one to grant one of the following permissions sets to the user or application:
Database hostname was not sent to server
The error message below appears when trying to connect to the Serverless SQL Database:
Error: pq: Database hostname wasn't sent to server
This error happens when the SQL client you are using does not support the TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) feature.
If you are using a third-party tool or library which allows you to input a connection string or optional connection parameters, add
at the end of your connection string:"postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:5432/{databasename}?sslmode=require&options=databaseid%3D{databaseid}"Or
terraform {backend "pg" {conn_str = "postgresql://{username}:{password}@{host}:5432/{databasename}?sslmode=require&options=databaseid%3D{databaseid}"}required_providers {scaleway = {source = "scaleway/scaleway"}}required_version = ">= 0.13"} -
If you cannot modify the connection string or optional connection parameters, upgrade or change your client library. Refer to the table below for the most common libraries and tools supporting SNI.
Language Library / Tool SNI support Workaround to Partial Support Nodejs node-postgres Yes Nodejs postgres.js Yes Python psycopg2 Yes Python SQLAlchemy Yes Java pgjdbc Yes Go lib/pq Partial Upgrade lib/pq to v1.10.7, which supports SNI. Dart postgres Yes N/A psql Yes N/A pgcli Yes N/A pgAdmin Yes N/A DBeaver Yes N/A Postico 2 Yes N/A IntelliJ (SQL Module) Yes N/A navicat No N/A Stitch No N/A Terraform No Terraform includes an older lib/pq version (v1.10.3) which does not support SNI.