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How to access objects via HTTPS

Reviewed on 04 October 2024Published on 05 September 2023

Scaleway Object Storage allows you to access your objects via HTTPS.

If an object is private, you can create a temporary public link from the Scaleway console.

If an object is public, you can retreive the link to access it from the Scaleway console.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Created an Object Storage bucket and have uploaded objects to it
  1. Click Object Storage on the side menu. The list of your buckets displays.
  2. Click the bucket that contains the file you want to access. A list of your objects displays.
  3. Click «See more Icon» next to the file you want to access.
  4. Select Get public link.
  5. Set an expiration date.
  6. Click Generate link. Your temporary public link displays.

To make the link to an object permanent, change its visibility to public. The link will work as long as the object is public.

See also
How to manage object visibilityHow to use bucket versioning
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