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Understanding Organization quotas

Reviewed on 16 October 2024Published on 10 February 2021

Every Organization has quotas, which are limits on the number of Scaleway resources they can use. Below is a list of quotas available for each resource.

At Scaleway, quotas are applicable per Organization.


If you have already validated your payment method and your identity and want to increase your quota beyond the values shown on this page, contact our support team.

Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) allows you to share access to the management of your Scaleway resources, in a controlled and secure manner.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
API keys5050

Contact our support team if you want to increase your quotas for IAM.


Project is Scaleway's resource management feature. Designed to help you organize your infrastructure and cloud services, the feature allows resources to be isolated and grouped into specific projects.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Maximum number of Projects in an Organization2525

Contact our support team if you want to increase your quotas for Projects.

SSH keys

An SSH Key (Secure Shell Key) allows passwordless connection to an Instance.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
SSH keys allowed5050


By default, remote email ports (25, 465, 587) are blocked, and cannot be reached from our infrastructure to avoid spam. You need to open the mail ports to send emails. You can enable them from the security group configuration.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
SMTP allowedValidate your identityYes


An Instance is a computing unit, either virtual or physical, that provides resources to run your applications on. Currently Scaleway offers the following Instance types: General Purpose, Development, GPU, Stardust and Enterprise.


Quotas are applied manually for Enterprise (ENT) range Instances to Organizations that have their identity validated. Contact our support team.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
DEV1-XLTo use this product, you must validate your identity.6
GP1-STo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
GP1-MTo use this product, you must validate your identity.3
GP1-LTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
GP1-XLTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
PRO2 XSTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
PRO2 STo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
PRO2 MTo use this product, you must validate your identity.3
PRO2 LTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
ENT1 XSTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
ENT1 STo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
ENT1 MTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
ENT1 LTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
ENT1 XLTo use this product, you must validate your identity.To use this product, you must validate your identity.
ENT1 2XLTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team).
POP2-4C-16GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
POP2-8C-32GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-16C-64GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-32C-128GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
POP2-64C-256GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
POP2-HC-4C-8GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
POP2-HC-8C-16GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HC-16C-32GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HC-32C-64GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
POP2-HC-64C-128GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
POP2-HM-4C-32GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.4
POP2-HM-8C-64GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HM-16C-128GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HM-32C-256GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
POP2-HM-64C-512GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
POP2-HN-3To use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HN-5To use this product, you must validate your identity.2
POP2-HN-10To use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.

GPU Instances

GPU Instances (aka RENDER Instances) are powerful cloud Instances equipped with dedicated high-end Nvidia graphics processing units. They have been designed for artificial intelligence and rendering tasks. They support your most demanding workloads.


Contact our support team if you want to increase your quotas to more than 1.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
RENDER-STo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
GPU 3070 - STo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
H100-1-80GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
H100-2-80GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
L4-1-24GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
L4-2-24GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
L4-4-24GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
L4-8-24GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
L40S-1-48GTo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
L40S-2-48GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
L40S-4-48GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
L40S-8-48GTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.

Apple silicon

Scaleway Apple silicon as-a-Service uses Apple Mac mini hardware. These devices rely on the power of Apple’s silicon technology, ensuring exceptional performance and groundbreaking energy efficiency.

Apple silicon as-a-Service is tailored for developing, building, testing, and signing applications for Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, Mac computers and more. The Mac mini boasts a sophisticated neural engine that significantly enhances machine learning capabilities.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Apple silicon M1-M1 per Availability Zone3 per Availability Zone
Apple silicon M2-MTo use this product, you must validate your identity.5 per Availability Zone
Apple silicon M2-L1 per Availability Zone5 per Availability Zone

Elastic Metal

Elastic Metal servers allow you to order dedicated servers on-demand, like cloud Instances. These servers can be used for large workloads, big data and applications that require increased security and dedicated resources.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
A210R SATA13
A310X SSD13
A315X SSD13
A410X SSDTo use this product, you must validate your identity.3
A510X SSDTo use this product, you must validate your identity.3
A610R NVMeTo use this product, you must validate your identity.3
B111X SATA12
B112X SSD12
B211X SSDTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
B212X SSDTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
B311X SATATo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
B312X SSDTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
B411X SATATo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
B412X SSDTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
L101X SATA13
L105X SATATo use this product, you must validate your identity.3
L110X SATATo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
L210X SATATo use this product, you must validate your identity.1
T210E NVMeTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
T510X NVMeTo use this product, you must contact our support team.To use this product, you must contact our support team.
B220E NVMe12
B320E NVMeTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
B420E NVMeTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2
B420E NVMeTo use this product, you must validate your identity.2

After you order a server from the list of Elastic Metal servers compatible with Microsoft Windows Server, you can choose a version of Windows Server to install directly from our console.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Windows LicenseNot availableAvailable


Kubernetes Kapsule provides a managed environment for you to create, configure and run a cluster of pre-configured machines for containerized applications.

Kubernetes Kosmos is the first-of-its-kind managed multi-cloud Kubernetes Engine. It allows the connection of Instances and servers from any Cloud provider to a single managed control plane hosted by Scaleway.

Dedicated Control Plan offers bring additional features such as single-tenant, guaranteed resources, improved performances, and high availability to the Kubernetes engine.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Kubernetes Kapsule2040
Kubernetes Kapsule with Dedicated control plane 4, 814
Kubernetes Kapsule with Dedicated control plane 16To use this product, you must validate your identity.4
Kubernetes Kosmos2040
Kubernetes Kosmos with Dedicated control plane 4, 814
Kubernetes Kosmos with Dedicated control plane 16To use this product, you must validate your identity.4

Container Registry

Scaleway Container Registry is a fully-managed mutualized Container Registry, designed to facilitate the storage, management and deployment of container images. The service simplifies the development-to-production workflow, as there is no need to operate your own Container Registry or worry about the underlying infrastructure.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Registry namespaces99 99999 999
Registry images99 99999 999

Serverless Containers

Serverless Containers allow you to deploy your containerized applications in a managed infrastructure. Scaleway ensures the deployment, the availability and scalability of all your projects.

Resources quotas

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Container namespaces2525
Number of containers2525

RAM quotas

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Maximum RAM25 GB100 GB

The maximum RAM quota is obtained by multiplying the maximum scale factor of your container by the selected RAM quantity. For example, if you choose to create a container with 512 MB of memory and a maximum scale of 20, you will have 10 GB RAM.

Serverless Functions

Serverless Functions allow you to deploy your Functions on a managed infrastructure. Benefit from a constant availability, everywhere.

Resources quotas

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Function namespaces1020
Number of functions2550

RAM quotas

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Maximum RAM25 GB100 GB

The maximum RAM quota is obtained by multiplying the maximum scale factor of your container by the selected RAM quantity. For example, if you choose to create a container with 512 MB of memory and a max scale of 20, you will have 10 GB RAM.

Messaging and Queuing

Scaleway Messaging and Queuing is a message broker tool that allows you to transfer messages between different microservices and platforms.

Usage limits

The following usage limits are enforced as Organization quotas when using Messaging and Queuing:


NATS accountMax number10Organization
NATS message payloadMax size512 KBMessage
NATS queue/stream storageMax size300 MB**NATS account
NATS queue/stream memoryMax size0NATS account
Max number of NATS streamsMax number50NATS account
Max number of NATS consumersMax number50NATS account

**This implies stream replication. If you choose to replicate your stream across all nodes (3), a storage limit of 100 MB applies. Note that in memory stream are not supported, please create your NATS stream using the File storage type.


SQS queue storageMax size100 MB**Scaleway Project
SQS maximum payloadMax size256 KBSQS Queue
Max number of SQS queuesMax number50Scaleway Project
Message age / retention period (SQS)Max14 daysMessage
Visibility timeoutMax12 hoursSQS queue
Max number of SNS topicsMax number50Scaleway Project
Max number of SNS subscribers per topicMax number50Scaleway Project

** This limit applies to all your SQS queues within your Scaleway project and covers the total storage used by all the queues in your project.


Local and Block Storage options are available with our compute offers.


Regardless of the quotas displayed below, be aware that:

  • A virtual Instance can bear up to 16 volumes, including the mandatory local volume. Therefore, the maximum number of block volumes that can be attached to an Instance is 15.
  • The maximum size of a block volume is 10 TB.
  • The maximum local storage for a DEV Instance depends on the DEV Instance type. For example, for the DEV1-XL the maximum local storage is 120 GB.
Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Block Storage total size in GB5005 000
Local storage total size in GB1 0005 000
Snapshots99 99999 999
Images99 99999 999
Volumes2005 000

Object Storage

Scaleway Object Storage allows you to store different types of objects (documents, images, videos, etc.) and distribute them instantly, anywhere in the world. You can upload, download and visualize stored objects.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Object Storage buckets100100

Database Instances

Managed Database for PostgreSQL and MySQL provide fully-managed Relational Database Instances, providing MySQL and PostgreSQL as database engines. They allow you to focus on development rather than administration or configuration. They come with a high-availability mode, data replication, and automatic backups.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Database Instances510
Backups per Instance40 00040 000
Database backups5 0005 000
ACLs per Instance5050
Snapshots per Instance5050
Total Block Storage in GB5 0005 000
Database Snapshots100100


Additional IP addresses and placement groups are available with our compute offers.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Elastic Metal Flexible IP6464
Private Networks255255
Private NICs255255
Instances IPs2050
Security Groups99 99999 999
Security Rules500500
Placement Groups100100
Compute Clusters100100

Public Gateways

Public Gateways sit at the border of Private Networks and provide extra functionality. They provide features like SSH bastion, and services to deal with traffic entering and exiting the network (NAT). You can add a Public Gateway to each of your Private Networks.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Public Gateway DHCP reservations10241024
Public Gateway DHCP servers255255
Private Networks attached to Public Gateways1010
Public Gateways5050
Public Gateway Flexible IPs5050
Public Gateway PAT rules20482048

Load Balancers

Load Balancers allow you to distribute traffic and workload across multiple backend servers. They make it easy to scale your applications while ensuring continuous availability even in the event of heavy traffic. Each Load Balancer that you create is a highly available and fully managed Instance, consisting of one or more frontends and one or more backends. You can configure your Load Balancer according to your needs.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Load Balancers5050

Domains and DNS

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a name management system for computing devices connected to a network, be it public (Internet) or private. It translates text-based domain names to numerical IP addresses. Scaleway provides a managed DNS service.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Domain zones100100
Domain user records10 00010 000
Domain zone records1 0001 000
External domains1010

IoT Hub

IoT Hub is a managed message broker that dispaches messages between devices, services and applications using a publish/subscribe pattern.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
IoT Hubs Shared55
IoT Hubs Dedicated5050
IoT Hubs HA5050
IoT Hubs Clustered5050
IoT Hub shared devices10 00010 000
IoT Hub dedicated devices10 00010 000
IoT Hub HA devices10 00010 000
IoT Hub clustered devices10 00010 000
IoT Hub shared routes100100
IoT Hub dedicated routes100100
IoT Hub HA routes100100
IoT Hub clustered routes100100

Transactional Email

Transactional Email is a platform that allows Scaleway clients to send transactional emails with high quality deliverability.

  • Additional quotas can be added on a case-by-case basis. If you have already validated your payment method and your identity and want to increase your quota beyond the values shown on this page, contact our support team.
  • Starting from December 1st 2023, Transactional Email no longer applies an hourly quota for your email sending. Find out more about Transactional Email’s pricing on the product pricing page.
Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Max. of recipients33
Domains per Organization25
Emails sent per month5005000
Max. of attachments22
Max. size of an email (Mo) for API2*2*
Max. size of an email (Mo) for SMTP2*2*

*Including the email and the attachments in the email.

Secret Manager

Scaleway’s Secret Manager allows you to conveniently store, access and share sensitive data such as passwords, API keys and certificates.

NamePayment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Versions per secret2020
Requests to access your secret’s value300 000750 000
Maximum size for a secret64kB64kB

Web Hosting

Web Hosting is a service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible on the internet. It involves storing website files and data on a server, which is connected to the internet and enables users to access the website through a web browser.

Scaleway provides several Web Hosting plans for individuals, professionals, and everyone in between.

Payment method validatedPayment method and identity validated
Web Hostings12
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