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Using the NATS CLI

Reviewed on 18 October 2024Published on 20 January 2023

The NATS CLI (nats) is the official NATS tool for managing your NATS resources. It allows you to simply create and manage your streams, consumers and more.

Check out the official NATS CLI documentation for installation instructions, examples and more.


You can also configure Scaleway NATS with the Terraform NATS Jetstream provider using our dedicated tutorial.

This page shows you how to get started with some basic actions via the NATS CLI.

Before you startLink to this anchor

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • A Scaleway NATS account
  • NATS credentials downloaded to your machine

Installing the NATS CLILink to this anchor

Follow instructions from the official NATS documentation. The installation process may differ depending on your OS.

Define a contextLink to this anchor

To simplify your interactions with NATS hosted on Scaleway, we recommend that you use contexts. A context is a named configuration that stores the settings (such as credentials, URLs and certificates) required to connect to NATS. By creating a context, you won’t need to specify your server and credentials with each new request.

Create a contextLink to this anchor

The example below creates a context named scaleway.

  • Replace {Scaleway NATS URL} with the URL of your NATS account (find this in the console on your NATS account Overview tab).
  • Replace {path to your creds file} with the path to the location where you downloaded your .creds file.
nats context save scaleway --server={Scaleway NATS URL} --creds={path to your creds file}

Use the saved contextLink to this anchor

Enter the following command to select the scaleway context for use:

nats context select scaleway

Create a streamLink to this anchor

To create a stream, use the command nats stream add and follow the CLI guidelines.


Bear in mind that:

  • Scaleway NATS does not support in-memory streams: choose File as storage backend.
  • Some system limits may apply by default.
  • If you choose a Retention Policy other than Work Queue you will be billed for the messages stored and retained.
  • Choosing three replicas has an impact on:
    • The stream storage limit (as data is replicated 3 times)
    • The volume of billed messages

You can connect to your stream using code, devtools or the NATS CLI (for testing purposes only).

NATS cheat sheetLink to this anchor

Use the nats cheat command to get a list of all possible commands.

Below we provide a summary of some useful commands.

GeneralLink to this anchor

Show a specific section of cheatsnats cheat pub
List available sectionsnats cheat --sections

MessagingLink to this anchor

Publish message from STDINecho "hello world" | nats pub destination.subject
Publish 100 messages with a random body of 100 - 1000 charactersnats cheat --sections``nats pub destination.subject "{{ Random 100 1000 }}" -H Count:{{ Count }} --count 100
Publish message from STDINReceive new messages received with the subject ORDERS.newnats sub
Subscribe to messages, on subject source.subjectnats sub source.subject

Queuing/StreamingLink to this anchor

Adding a streamnats stream add
Viewing a streamnats stream info STREAMNAME
Removing a streamnats stream rm STREAMNAME
Show a list of streamsnats stream list
Get message 12345 in stream ORDERSnats stream get ORDERS 12345
Delete message 12345 in stream ORDERSnats stream rmm ORDERS 12345
Purge messages from stream ORDERSnats stream purge ORDERS
Mark a stream ORDERS as read onlynats stream seal ORDERS
Add a consumernats consumer add
View a consumer NEW of stream ORDERSnats consumer info ORDERS NEW
Remove consumer NEW from stream ORDERSnats consumer rm ORDERS NEW
Get messages from consumer NEW of stream ORDERSnats consumer next ORDERS NEW --ack --count=10 , nats consumer next ORDERS NEW --no-ack, nats consumer sub ORDERS NEW --ack
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