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Edge Services - Quickstart

Reviewed on 24 July 2024

Edge Services is an additional feature for Scaleway Load Balancers and Object Storage buckets, currently available in Public Beta. It provides a caching service to improve performance by reducing load on your origin, and a customizable and secure endpoint for accessing content via Edge Services, which can be set to a subdomain of your choice.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • Created either a Load Balancer or an Object Storage bucket

How to create an Edge Services pipeline

The process differs depending on whether you want to create a pipeline for an Object Storage bucket or a Load Balancer. Choose the correct tab for your case below.

  1. Click Object Storage in the Storage section of the Scaleway console side menu. The list of your buckets displays.

  2. Click the name of the bucket you want to enable Edge Services on.

  3. Click the Edge Services tab.

  4. Click Enable Edge Services for free.

    A pop-up informs you that your bucket will be exposed via Edge Services and that you can disable Edge Services at any time. Edge Services is free during the beta stage, and you will be notified before it becomes billable.

  5. Click Enable Edge Services to confirm.

    Edge Services is enabled on your bucket, and a pipeline is automatically created. Various features are now visible on the Edge Services tab, ready to be configured.


    For more detailed information about correctly enabling Edge Services in relation to bucket visibility, see the dedicated documentation. You can also find out here how to access your bucket via Edge Services.

How to configure a custom domain

If you already own a domain, you can customize an Edge Services pipeline endpoint with a subdomain of your choice, e.g. This means you can access your Object Storage bucket or Load Balancer origin through Edge Services via your own subdomain rather than the standardized Edge Services endpoint.

  1. In the Scaleway console, navigate to the Edge Services dashboard for the Object Storage bucket or Load Balancer origin whose domain you want to customize:

  2. In the Endpoint panel, click Configure domain. The following screen displays:

  3. Set a subdomain from which your Object Storage bucket or Load Balancer origin will be accessible via its Edge Services pipeline. You must already own the primary domain. For example, if you own, choose any subdomain you like and enter into the box.


    It is not possible to use only a root domain (aka primary domain or apex domain), you must use a subdomain. This is because CNAME records, essential to point your domain to your Edge Services endpoint, cannot by definition be created for root domains, only for subdomains. ✅ ❌

  4. This step depends on whether the domain used in the previous step is managed with Scaleway Domains and DNS, or an external domain provider. Choose the appropriate tab below.

    The domain you are using for Edge Services is considered to be managed with Scaleway Domains and DNS if:

    • You registered the domain with Domains and DNS, or
    • You transferred an externally-registered domain to Domains and DNS

    If either of the above is true, Scaleway will auto-detect that the domain is managed by Domains and DNS, and a message will display confirming that you do not need to create a CNAME record. We will auto-generate the appropriate CNAME record in your domain’s DNS records, to point your subdomain to the Edge Services endpoint. This record is generated when you click Customize domain in step 6.

    You should not attempt to modify or delete the CNAME record, which will be visible among your DNS records in the Scaleway console.

  5. Provide an SSL/TLS certificate for your subdomain so that Edge Services can serve traffic for it over HTTPS. You have three options for this:

    • Generate a free Let’s Encrypt certificate, managed by Scaleway, including automatic renewals.
    • Select an existing certificate that you have stored in Scaleway Secret Manager.
    • Manually import a certificate into Scaleway Secret Manager:
      • Enter a name for your certificate (alphanumeric characters only)
      • Optionally, add tags by typing each tag and then pressing enter
      • Copy and paste the full PEM-formatted certificate chain into the box. Your certificate will be automatically stored in Secret Manager and billed accordingly.

    For help with SSL/TLS certificates for Edge Services, and/or dealing with any errors you encounter importing a certificate into Secret Manager, see our dedicated documentation.

  6. Click Customize domain to finish.

Your customized domain is set up, and you are returned to the Edge Services dashboard. The customized domain displays in the Endpoint panel. When you access your Object Storage or Load Balancer origin through this domain, its content will be served via Edge Services.

How to configure your cache

The cache feature allows you to cache your origin’s content with Edge Services. This means that content can be served directly to users from Edge Services’ servers, instead of from your Object Storage bucket or Load Balancer origin, enhancing performance.

You can disable and enable caching at will, as well as control the lifetime of an object in the cache. You can also purge your entire cache, or specific objects within it. A log is displayed to help you track your purge events.

  1. In the Scaleway console, navigate to the Edge Services dashboard for the Object Storage bucket or Load Balancer origin for which you want to enable caching:

  2. In the Cache panel, use the «Toogle Icon» icon to enable the cache.

    The Lifetime configuration box displays. This enables you to define, in seconds, how long an object can be stored in the cache before it must be retrieved freshly from the origin (Object Storage bucket or Load Balancer).


    As an example, a value of 0 means that objects will not be cached, unless they have a separately-defined caching directive. Note that in any case, if an object has a caching directive, the caching directive always takes precedence over any lifetime setting defined here in Edge Services.

  3. Leave the default value of 1 hour in place, or enter another value.

The cache is now enabled.

For information on purging your cache, see our dedicated documentation.

How to delete an Edge Services pipeline

You can delete an Edge Services pipeline at any time. Follow the steps below, depending on whether your pipeline is towards an Object Storage bucket origin or a Load Balancer origin.

  1. Click Object Storage in the Storage section of the Scaleway console side menu. The list of your buckets displays.

  2. Click the name of the bucket you want to disable Edge Services for.

  3. Click the Edge Services tab.

  4. In the Disable Edge Services panel at the bottom of the screen, click Disable Edge Services.

    A pop-up displays, informing you that the bucket will be removed from Edge Services.

    • The bucket will no longer be accessible via its Edge Services endpoint, or any customized domains pointing to this endpoint.
    • Any files stored in the Edge Services cache will be removed.

    Remember to:

    • Delete your CNAME record from your domain provider, unless your domain is managed with Scaleway Domains and DNS, in which case we take care of deletion for you.
    • Delete any SSL/TLS certificates you imported into Secret Manager (if no longer required elsewhere, so that you are no longer billed for it). If you generated a managed Let’s Encrypt certificate however, Scaleway takes care of the deletion for you.
  5. Click Disable Edge Services.

    Edge Services is disabled and the pipeline for this bucket is deleted. You can enable it again at any time to create a new pipeline, but you will need to reconfigure your custom domain, and the cache will initially be empty.

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