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Setting up a Proxmox cluster on Elastic Metal servers using the Private Networks feature

Reviewed on 08 October 2024Published on 10 January 2022
  • Proxmox
  • Elastic-Metal
  • KVM
  • containers

Proxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE) is a server virtualization platform, based on Debian Linux. It allows the deployment and management of KVM-based virtual machines or LXC containers. The tool provides a REST API as well as a graphical web interface to manage the virtual machines. It is also licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  • At least 2 Elastic Metal servers
  • Created a Private Network and attached your Elastic Metal servers to it

Installing Proxmox


Repeat these steps for each Elastic Metal Server you want to add to your cluster.

  1. Select your Elastic Metal server by clicking on Elastic Metal in the Compute section of the side menu of the Scaleway console.
  2. Choose the server you want to install from the list and click its name to see the server dashboard.
  3. Click Install and select Proxmox VE 7 from the list of available images.
  4. Enter your credentials. The service username is root. The service password must have eight characters minimum.
  5. Enter a name and optional tags for your server.
  6. Toggle the switch to enable the Private Networks feature for the server.
  7. Click Install this Elastic Metal server to launch the installation.

    The installation of your Elastic Metal server may take up to one hour.

Accessing Proxmox

Once the server has rebooted, the Proxmox web interface is available.

  1. Open a web browser and go to https://your_elastic_metal_server_ip:8006/. The Proxmox login screen displays.

  2. Enter your credentials and click Login.

    Enter the credentials to log in:

    • User name: root
    • Password: The password set during the installation of Proxmox
    • Realm: Linux PAM standard authentication
    • Language: The display language of the Proxmox interface (i.e. English)

    The Proxmox dashboard displays.

Configuring the Private Network

Instead of configuring the Private Network interface directly from your server’s command line, we must configure it using the Proxmox interface.

  1. Click the Proxmox host in the datacenter menu on the left. The server’s dashboard displays.

  2. Click Network in the System section of the menu. The network dashboard displays.

  3. Click Create > Linux VLAN.

  4. Enter the VLAN details for your Private Network:

    • Name: The name of your primary network interface followed by a dot and the VLAN ID of your Private Network (e.g. eno1.1918 for the primary network interface eno1 and the VLAN ID 1918)
    • IPv4/CIDR: The IP address of the machine in your Private Network followed by its CIDR netmask (e.g.
    • (Optional) Gateway (IPv4): The IP address of your Public Gateway, if you want to use one.
    • Autostart: Tick this box to automatically bring up the interface during system startup.
  5. Click Create to create the Private Network interface.


    Repeat the steps above on each node (in our case, each Elastic Metal server) you want to add to your Private Network.

Creating a cluster

  1. Click Cluster in the Datacenter view of the Promox interface of your first node. The cluster dashboard displays.
  2. Click Create cluster.
  3. Enter a name for the cluster and select your Private Network as the cluster network. Then click Create.
  4. Select the cluster in the list and click Join Information. The cluster join information displays.
  5. Click Copy Information to copy the cluster join information into the clipboard.
  6. Go to the Proxmox interface of your second node and click Cluster to enter the cluster configuration from the datacenter view of the machine.
  7. Click Join cluster and paste the cluster join information in the form.
  8. Enter your first node’s root password and click Join to link the machine to the cluster.

The second node appears now in the cluster in the Datacenter view of Proxmox. You can manage both machines using a single interface. The communication between members of the cluster is entirely in your Private Network, ensuring the highest level of security and the lowest latency.

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