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How to create a Kubernetes Kapsule cluster

Reviewed on 17 June 2024Published on 31 May 2021

Scaleway Kubernetes Kapsule provides a managed environment for you to create, configure and run a cluster of preconfigured machines for containerized applications. You will be able to create Kubernetes clusters without the complexity of managing the infrastructure.

The service offers full flexibility such as:

  • Scaling the number of pods depending on the workload.
  • Managing your cluster easily via the Kubectl

To administrate your Kubernetes cluster easily, Scaleway provides a .kubeconfig file that allows you to manage your cluster from your local computer by using kubectl. Kubectl is the command line interface for running commands against Kubernetes clusters.

Before you start

To complete the actions presented below, you must have:

  • A Scaleway account logged into the console
  • Owner status or IAM permissions allowing you to perform actions in the intended Organization
  1. Click Kubernetes in the Containers section of the Scaleway console side menu. The Kubernetes dashboard displays.
  2. Click Create cluster. The first page of the cluster creation wizard displays.
  3. This page concerns the configuration of your cluster. Enter the following information:
    • The cluster type. Select Kubernetes Kapsule cluster to create a cluster using exclusively Scaleway Instances.

      This document concerns the creation and management of a Kubernetes Kapsule cluster. To create a Kubernetes Kosmos cluster, refer to the Kubernetes Kosmos documentation

    • The geographical region of the cluster.
    • The Kubernetes version for the cluster.
  4. Configure the Private Network for the cluster. A Private Network allows your cluster to communicate in an isolated and secure network. Each cluster is autoconfigured using a /22 IP subnet. You can either:
    • Attach an existing Private Network (VPC) within the same Availability Zone from the drop-down.
    • Attach a new Private Network to the cluster.

    The Private Network of your cluster can not be detached, and the cluster can not be moved to another Private Network after creation.

  5. Enter the name for the cluster and, optionally, a description and tags, which can help you organize your cluster.
  6. Click Next. The second page of the Kapsule cluster creation wizard displays.
  7. This page concerns the settings for your cluster’s pool. Enter the following information:
    • The Availability Zone in which all your pool’s nodes will be created.
    • The node type you require.
    • The configuration for your node options, including the number of nodes and whether to enable autoscale. You can also choose whether to enable autoheal and whether to link the cluster to a placement group. Alternatively, you can leave these options at default values.
  8. Click Create cluster. Your cluster is being deployed. Once the cluster is ready, it appears in the clusters list.
See also
How to manage a Kapsule cluster
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