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Web Hosting Classic migration - Technical information

Reviewed on 10 September 2024Published on 07 March 2024

You can now migrate your Web Hosting Classic plan to Scaleway’s new Web Hosting platform. This migration brings you better performance and an improved user experience. Benefits of the migration include:

  • Enhanced control with cPanel: cPanel provides an interface that allows for more granular control over your hosting environment. This ensures a straightforward management experience.
  • Improved performance: Migrating to cPanel can result in noticeable performance improvements. Expect more efficient resource utilization and faster loading times for your websites and applications.
  • Up-to-date system: cPanel’s regular updates contribute to an up-to-date and secure hosting environment. This ensures that your system remains resilient in the face of evolving digital challenges.
  • A wide range of features: Explore a range of features offered by cPanel, covering file management, security options, email functionality, and database management. These features collectively form a powerful toolkit to address diverse hosting requirements.

You can initiate the migration of your Web Hosting plan directly from your Dedibox/ console. For further information, refer to our dedicated documentation How to migrate an web hosting plan to Scaleway.

  • Migrating your Web Hosting plan is a definitive decision. Once completed, it is not possible to revert back to your previous plan.

Web Hosting classic migration - Most common questions

What will my new hosting plan be?

After initiating the migration of your hosting plan, it will be transferred to Scaleway. During this transition, your existing offer will be temporarily moved to a migration plan. You will then have the possibility to select from Scaleway’s range of Web Hosting plans, tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Your current offer will be transferred to one of these migration plans: Web Hosting offerScaleway Web Hosting offer
Personal (€1.99/month)Migration (€2.99/month)
Pro (€3.99/month)Lite (€5.99/month)
Business (€5.99/month)Lite (€5.99/month)
Pricing verified on 2024-03-07

You are required to switch your hosting plan to one of our new Web Hosting plans once the migration of your data has been completed.

What happens to my backup option?

If the Web Hosting Classic plan includes the backup option, it will also be available for Scaleway Web Hosting. The pricing for the backup option will remain unchanged and will be billed at the current tariff.

Where can I find my web files?

All web files in the home directory will be moved to the corresponding directory in the new environment.

Where can I find my main domain files?

Your main domain files should be located in the public_html or www directory.

Where can I find my subdomain files?

Your subdomain files will be located in the /subdomain.domain.tld directory (compared to /subdomain in the old environment).

Where can I find my backup files?

Your backup files will not be directly migrated. You will retain access for one month to retrieve them from the old hosting platform.

What happens to my FTP accounts?

All FTP accounts and configurations will be migrated. The existing password will remain functional, and the hostname will be updated to ftp.domain.tld or the platform’s hostname in Scaleway’s Web Hosting Overview.

What happens to my Web Crons?

Your Web Crons will be migrated and can be found in cPanel under Cron Jobs.

What happens to my logs?

Your log files will not be migrated. New log files can be accessed in cPanel at ~/access-logs or ~/logs.

What happens to my web statistics?

Your web statistics will be migrated to cPanel. You will find them under Awstats.

What happens to my web applications?

WordPress websites will use WP-Toolkit for application management, while cPanel’s Softaculous will be used for installing new web applications.

What happens to my alias and subdomains?

Your alias domains and subdomains can be managed in cPanel under Domains.

What happens to my emails?

All your emails and mailboxes will be migrated to cPanel. You may need to reset your mailbox passwords before successfully logging in for the first time.

What happens to my email redirections and transfers?

All your email redirections and transfers will be migrated to cPanel.

What happens to my databases?

All your MySQL and PgSQL databases will be migrated to cPanel. The hostname will change and must be updated in the website’s configuration files. The hostname can be set as localhost if the script is on the same platform or the platform’s hostname or IP address.

What happens to my DNS configuration (if the nameservers of the domain resolve to

  • Nameservers: We will attempt to update the nameservers to and
  • DNS Zone: Migration of DNS zone records not conflicting with the new cPanel zone will be attempted (e.g., user-custom DNS records).

When will I be billed for the migrated Web Hosting plan?

Your Scaleway Web Hosting billing will start immediately following the successful completion of the migration. You will be granted a discount corresponding to the remaining term of your prior hosting and backup option.

What about PHP version compatibility?

PHP versions will be updated from versions below 7.4 to PHP 7.4/8.0+. Potential incompatibilities will be addressed during the migration process.

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