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Common errors encountered while using Serverless Containers

Reviewed on 02 September 2024Published on 24 August 2023

Unable to deploy the image

Possible solutions

  • Make sure the container is listening on the specified PORT for HTTP requests (or use variable $PORT).

  • Make sure the container is bound to

  • Containers cannot start due to insufficient provisioned resources. Update your container’s resources by provisioning more memory and more vCPU.

  • Make sure you built your image for an amd64 architecture, as arm64 is not supported.

  • Make sure your deployment does not exceed the limitations of Serverless Containers.


    Run the docker inspect command to get detailed information on your image:

    docker inspect myimage

Failed to create a namespace


This issue can happen for the following reasons:

  • You created too many namespaces and reached your account’s quota
  • You created too many Registry namespaces and reached your account’s quota

Possible solutions

Make sure that you did not exceed the maximum number of allowed namespaces with the Scaleway console or with the API.

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