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Common errors encountered while using Serverless Functions

Reviewed on 08 May 2024Published on 23 August 2023

Handler not found

Error Messages

Function Handler does not exist, check that you provided the right HANDLER parameter …


Provided Handler does not exist, or does not export methods properly


The systems cannot find the function which will handle the request. It can be related to an error in your code before your handle function.

Possible solutions

  • Make sure to provide the right handler path.

  • If you used a zip file, make sure the dependencies are present in your zip package.

  • If you used the Serverless framework, ensure the .serverless directory created with serverless package contains your zip file.

  • Make sure that the dependencies folders (node_modules or package in Python) are in package/include.

  • Serverless Functions rely on Alpine Linux, therefore, some C-based libraries (pandas, tensorflow, numpy) will not work. Refer to the official documentation to safely add these libraries to your package.

Too Many Retries

Error messages

Too many retries, sub-runtime server did not come up in 10ms seconds


This error is returned by the runtime when it cannot process the request. It has several different origins.

Possible solutions

  • Make sure that you only imported the required dependencies and not the complete libraries.

  • Avoid performing too many initialization operations.

  • Update your function’s resources by provisioning more memory and more vCPU.

Function in error state


This error is returned when the function cannot start due to insufficient provisioned resources.

Possible solutions

Update your function’s resources by provisioning more memory and more vCPU.

Timeout error


Timeout happens when your function can’t return a results in the defined amount of time.

Possible solutions

  • Increase the Timeout parameter in the Scaleway console or with the API.

  • Update your function’s resources by provisioning more memory and more vCPU.

Failed to create a namespace


This issue can happen for the following reasons:

  • You created too many namespaces and reached your account’s quota.

  • You created too many Registry namespaces and reached your account’s quota.

Possible solutions

Make sure that you did not exceed the maximum number of allowed namespaces with the Scaleway console or with the API.

Function stopped working several hours after a redeploy


The new deploy failed, and the fallback mechanism has been triggered.

Possible solution

Identify the element that caused the deployment to fail, fix the error, and deploy the function again.

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